Pokemon GO eggs: all the details

Let’s get straight to the “hard”: in this guide we will see what Pokemon GO eggs contain and everything you need to know about this game feature.
The Pokemon that hatch are in fact one of the topics that interests players the most. There are those looking for legendary Pokemon , some their favorite, those who instead want all the Pokemon that can be obtained by hatching an egg, which as shown in the list below are really many.
To understand how eggs work, you just need to know a rule: each egg hatches after a certain distance .
A Reddit user named Taylor4D has decided to make it easier for us, by publishing a table where we can see the distance to travel to hatch the eggs and hatch them, and the type of Pokemon we can get with this process.
NB If you are not yet a Pokemon GO expert, read this complete guide on the game, where you will find the information to be able to become a successful trainer.
Here is the infographic with all the Pokemon that can be found with the eggs and the distance needed to travel. Next, I entered the names of all the Pokemon you see drawn.
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