Plyometrics for weight loss: beginners sheet

Plyometrics for weight loss: beginners sheet

Plyometric training has been making a lot of talk lately , a type of training that I have always seen linked to the improvement of specific athletic activities, as it is designed to optimize coordination, strength and power of certain performances.

Today, however, we return to talk about plyometrics even for those who are beginners, have little time to devote themselves to physical activity and want to get the most out of it in terms of body modeling. In this article we will look at a plyometrics training schedule for beginners only.

Plyometry, characteristics

Plyometrics is a particular free body activity that exploits an eccentric action followed by a transition phase and a concentric action. It is based on a movement that follows a cycle of lengthening and shortening.
In a very general way, a typical exercise in plyometrics that corresponds to this description is therefore the jump . Anyone who wants to do things seriously must rely on an expert coach, very important to avoid injuries.

Here we will simply see a training plan for beginners of the plio, where you need to do a preliminary stretching and have at most one mat available, but which can also be done from home trying to carry out the exercises as correctly as possible.

Even in the form for beginners, it is good to remember that this type of training, involving jumps, is not recommended for those with joint problems or knee problems.

Advantages: it is a type of training that allows you to burn many calories in a short time, ideal for those who like to run in their free time. It can therefore be alternated with running or jogging, taking place three times a week.


As we have seen, the plio is a training that even in the beginner mode is not for subjects who are not totally unrelated to physical activity. But that’s fine for those who, for example, run, jog, swim, bike or briskly walk. And who want to burn calories, shape the body and improve themselves with a specific, intense and short workout.

Therefore it is not a workout designed for “absolute” beginners.

Bodyweight warm-up : 5-8 minutes. Video one or video two of your choice.

Marcia Heisman for a minute. Video tutorial (first 30 seconds). 
Heisman run for 40 seconds + 20 second pause. Video tutorial. 
Single leg jump – 20 seconds per leg + 10 seconds rest per leg. Video. 
Jump squat for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest. Video tutorial. 
Speed ​​Skater, 20 per leg + 20 second rest at the end. Video . 
15 Burpees + 30 second break. Video. 
Russian Kicks: 15 per leg. 20 second pause. Video. 
Mountain climber for 30 seconds. Video. 

Take a 5 minute break and repeat two more times for a total of about 30 minutes of training.

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