The PlayStation Experience was a very useful event to give Sony the opportunity to show many upcoming titles for the PlayStation VR headset. However, many of the titles shown were the result of independent developers who worked almost exclusively on VR, so many users have wondered if even the “big” software houses will produce games for virtual reality.
To answer our doubts is the usual president Shuhei Yoshida who said he was optimistic about the support of the most powerful software houses towards the  PlayStation VR viewer.
Sony Worldwide Studios president said:
“We really like independent developers but obviously we hope to see triple A publishers working on PlayStation VR as well. We have already shown games from Capcom , Sega and Square Enix and we hope to be able to introduce more in the future. The biggest software houses, due to their immense resources, wait to see the evolution of the market before investing on a large scale, but I’m sure they will join us too “.
In fact, there are already several producers of “famous” games who are working on titles for PlayStation VR; Ubisoft for example has announced Eagle Flight , Bandai Namco has unveiled Ace Combat 7 , it has also been announced that Tekken 7 can also be used with the headset. In addition to these aforementioned, Square Enix  also stated that it is currently working on an exclusive project for virtual reality.
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