Piorrea & swinging incisor strengthening Shock at the dentist!
Vive congratulations for the competence and the expository ability that in your articles, I am browsing a lot that you turn out to be one of the best!
Going beyond the pyorrhea in question, which struck me, but which I feel I have overcome I would like some advice, as far as possible with natural remedies.
I have been a vegetarian and 80% raw food eater for many years, AND I ASK YOU: what tips to strengthen the stability of the DENT? … and to delay the upper hand of the “tooth picker One moves one I take out four”?
HOW to be able to strengthen (Improving the gums, increasing the attachment of the root to the bone, Oh what else …) the holding of the lower incisor Which currently rocks. I am 50 years old and I got there with my nice 32 uninjured teeth! Because of this swinging incisor, I consulted Dentist, who tout court after four minutes in the dental chair, Declares: Pyorrhea, bacterial infection, has compromised the stability of the teeth … Ergo Antibiotic for five days and next Monday … let’s remove the four lower incisors, let’s proceed when inserting a bridge or false teeth! Unfortunately, a second Dentist repeated the same proposals.
The herbalist begs me to ignore them and I started as early as 20/11 for six months:
1) Rovamycin one week a month;
3) calcium supplements and vitamin B + C complexes;
4) excellent dental hygiene and …. be careful not to sneeze !!!
From the five days I have been on a TOTAL therapeutic fast, every administration has to be interrupted and … “Sesame oil pulling”
Thank you for a priority answer … CONGRATULATIONS again!
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