Physical to apple? The diet for those with a stomach

Physical to apple? The diet for those with a stomach

By generalizing the shape of the body that we can have in two macro-categories, they exist as you know the apple or pear physicists. That is, either we have a tendency to accumulate pounds on the abdomen and the upper part of our body (arms, breasts), or on the contrary that of accumulating weight on the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, while the waist is drier.

What determines the conformation of the body like an apple or a pear?

On the one hand there are hereditary or genetic factors, those for which we also have a certain face shape.
On the other hand, hormonal and age factors, that is, there are those who tend to have a hormonal dominance and others another.

These factors may not coincide. Menopausal women can have an apple-shaped body due to the reduction of estrogen, while young women with large hips have an estrogenic excess. Conversely, there may be women with a wider waistline and narrow hips like their mothers, for example.
Our lifestyle, which includes but is not limited to nutrition, also plays a role. For example, there are substances called endocrine disruptors, which unbalance our hormones. Or a sedentary lifestyle is linked to an increase in fat around the abdomen over time.

For this reason, a diet that, for example, tries to solve hormonal problems may have no effect if we are so due to genetic factors.

While something that always works is to combine a sport with the diet.
By training the muscles, physical activity pushes the body to eliminate fat mass, which is what determines the extra “shapes”. In a lean and muscular person, if you notice it, it is more difficult to identify his tendency to accumulate fat on his stomach or legs, precisely because he does not have a lot of body fat in general.

So my advice is to try both a food strategy and not to underestimate the training for a leaner, toned and leaner body.
Now let’s see what diet an apple physique should do.


Characteristics: those with an apple-shaped body are more sensitive to the activity of two hormones.
Insulin and cortisol.
To reduce the activity of these two hormones, it is often thought that it is necessary to eat a protein diet.
In fact, this is false: insulin is not kept at bay by eating protein, because insulin does not rise only after a carbohydrate meal.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates our appetite, acting on satiety, and brings nourishment to the cells. Aside from lipids, both proteins and carbohydrates create an insulin response.
What about cortisol? Well, protein diets worsen cortisol levels because they increase stress .

So saying that those with an apple-shaped body must eat protein is false, simplistic and counterproductive.

So what should those who suffer from the “apple body” do?
These are the things that can work the most.

  1. Eat low-glycemic foods. Find out here what are the low glycemic index foods . 
  2. Balance high-glycemic carbohydrates such as bread with low-glycemic foods such as vegetables. 
  3. If you have bloating problems, try eating dissociated this way.
    Have a balanced breakfast (yogurt + oat flakes for example + a teaspoon of peanut butter: fat + protein + carbohydrates), a basically protein lunch (meat and fish plus vegetables or a dairy product with vegetables + a small fruit) and a dinner based on carbohydrates with less protein and very little fat. The carbohydrate dinner is perfect for those with high cortisol levels and aids in sleep.
    The important thing is that it is not close to the time we go to bed.
  4. Eat light, satisfying meals that don’t weigh heavily on your stomach.
  5. Have large meals, eat more often and at regular intervals: remember to snack on fruit mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

For example, an apple with three almonds at half past four or other fruit will prevent us from having nervous hunger attacks, which are the nemesis of the apple physique.

Mid-morning seasonal fruit is a way to avoid being overly hungry for lunch.
On page two we see an apple body diet scheme.

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