Personalized diet: interview with Dr. Maria Papavasileiou

Personalized diet: interview with Dr. Maria Papavasileiou

new-slide_homeOver six hundred thousand people follow her every day on her Facebook page Personalized Diet , where she dispenses useful tips for those who want to eat better, illustrates the properties of many plant foods, proposes healthy and tasty recipes: this is Dr. Maria Papavasileiou , nutritionist and dietician with one studio in Milan, considered the most famous nutritionist on the web. We have already had the opportunity to host articles of her on this blog, but many people wonder how to receive a personalized diet from the doctor , and if the doctor follows a method. Well, with this interview we will be able to answer the most frequently asked questions, and for those interested in a consultation, at the end of the interview you will find the data to contact the doctor.

1) Dear doctor, let’s start with a presentation of your activity: can you explain to our readers what are your areas of intervention? Is remote consultancy possible?

A .: I am involved in teaching people a healthy lifestyle, in order to help them stay fit and healthy for as long as possible. I try to do this by sharing advice and research every day on my facebook page, through the site and through periodic conferences. Those who want to deepen, then, can reach me in the studio, in Milan, or, for those who are more distant or for those who are unable, there is the possibility of contacting me via skype, in this way there are no more barriers or excuses for those who decide to start this path.
I would like a world where people are more and more aware of what they eat and why they eat it, in order to seek, more and more, a prevention towards obesity and diseases related to a wrong diet.

2) In recent times, many people are interested in changing towards a vegetarian or vegan diet. I know that you are also involved in educating your patients through a transition phase from the omnivorous diet to a vegetarian / vegan diet. Why is this transition phase necessary?
A .: This phase is very important because the vegetarian / vegan diet is completely different from the omnivorous one, therefore patients must be re-educated in order to be able to manage their diet independently, avoiding deficiencies (I often have people who have undertaken a do-it-yourself diet with totally busted exams). In this transition phase you will learn how to replace animal-based proteins with plant-based ones, how to combine foods and how to take the necessary minerals and vitamins.

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