Perfect nose, that’s what it is

Perfect nose, that’s what it is

perfect noseDo you want to know if your nose is perfect? Well, a surgeon was able to measure the angle that the nose should have to be considered beautiful. The idea that beauty, and its derived form which goes by the name of “perfection”, can be measurable is very old. And, without a doubt, we have been used to hearing about “perfect measurements” for years, even if it generally refers to the hips, breasts and waist. We have never had an idea of ​​the measurements of the perfect nose, perhaps because we do not believe that the geometry of a nose and its beauty must respect proportions. Some American surgeons, evidently, do not think so, and have thought they could investigate the measurements and proportions of the perfect nose, examining the angle of the nose with respect to the lips, and reaching very precise conclusions:the perfectly straight nose has an angle of 90 degrees , and so far nothing to say, it is also quite intuitive. The French nose, on the other hand, has an angle of about 120 degrees (it is therefore, as everyone knows, an upturned nose), but the most beautiful nose has an angle of 106 degrees . Exactly 106 degrees. This is the Caucasian nose, and its angle of inclination is almost halfway between the straight nose and the French nose.
The analysis was conducted by the surgeon Omar Ahmed, was carried out online and saw the participation of 3972 experts, called to mount the different noses on the same profile and verify the results with the support of the computer and a special program set up for the occasion.
No wonder, at this point, if the same surgeons will see their patients request rhinoplasty operations with the determination of the angle of inclination, exactly at 106 degrees, which for the record turns out to be that of Kate Middleton .

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