Pea milk: what it is, plus recipe with 2 ingredients

Pea milk: what it is, plus recipe with 2 ingredients

Pea milk arrives on the market .
After soy milk, here is the new plant milk which, unlike plant milk derived from cereals and milk derived from nuts , has a higher protein content.

In fact, the big problem with vegetable drinks improperly called milk is that they do not have the same protein content as animal milk. On the contrary.
Often the protein content of these vegetable drinks is zero.

The only exception so far has been soy milk , precisely because it derives from a legume.

However, this has always created a problem.
And that is, people who follow a vegan diet tend to consume soy a little too often.
And not everyone tolerates soy , which due to its phytoestrogen content can be contraindicated if consumed in excess.
Not to mention where it is collected and how it is produced.

That’s why a vegan alternative to soy milk with good nutritional values ​​is actually good news.

And it is with this in mind that we must evaluate pea milk.


Pea milk was originally developed by Ripple Foods , an American startup created by a Stanford scientist and a California biologist from MIT.

This milk is more environmentally friendly than soy milk.
The waste of water for its production is reduced by 96%.

In addition, peas contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as a good protein content, although lower than that of soy.

In fact, peas contain vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, and a good amount of selenium.
They are also a good source of vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B3 and folate.

Another advantage of pea milk over soy milk is that pea production is safer.
No GMOs, fewer pesticides. Finally, pea milk has a reduced fat content.
Obviously it is gluten and lactose free.

Additionally, peas are another low-FODMAP legume .
And they are therefore better tolerated in those suffering from dysbiosis, fermentation and irritable colon problems.

Now let’s see its pea milk nutritional values ​​and where to find it.

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