Paleolithic diet, not recommended by Australian nutritionists

Paleolithic diet, not recommended by Australian nutritionists

 takes inspiration from the diet of primitive men of the Paleolithic , and which provides for a greater consumption of meat and fish (all free range or wild), organic eggs from farmed on land and with herbivorous nourishment, vegetables, tubers and fruit, while cereals, dairy products, sweets and all industrial and refined products were abolished, it was rejected by the Australian Dietetics Association , the most important Australian organization in the field of nutrition. According to their spokespersons, there aren’t enough scientific theses to support the benefits of a Paleolithic diet(there are ten studies in this regard) and these studies are mainly based on the short term (there are even one week studies). Furthermore, to follow a Paleolithic diet correctly, one should exclude or almost exclude shopping from a normal supermarket, since it is not possible to consume entire categories of foods. In reality, the modern Paleolithic diet is not comparable to the diet of cavemen precisely due to the almost total impossibility of having the same food conditions: this means that those who try to eat paleo today find themselves facing an expensive diet and at risk of diseases, which could also be beneficial in the long term, but whose long-term effects leave many doctors skeptical and worried.

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