Online calorie calculator, here is the best

Online calorie calculator, here is the best

Calculating calories based on a calculator is a great way to lose weight without excessively and drastically cutting down on food .

In fact, many people tend to have diets with a daily calorie ceiling of no more than 1200/1300 calories, without knowing that it is the worst way to lose weight.

In fact, it is the main road that leads to an increasingly slower metabolism, and an increasingly frequent tendency not only to regain weight, but to regain it even while still on a diet.

When the metabolism slows down, weight stalling first occurs.

As a rule, this phenomenon, which is normal in itself, should occur after weight loss greater than at least 10 percent of our total body weight, and generally from the first three to six months of dieting.

However, it often occurs earlier.
People tend to stress their metabolism by drastically reducing their calorie intake and often cutting their daily calories from the 2000/2500 they would need to 100/1200.

The first time you lose weight. The next few times, after our body has regained the weight by lowering the metabolism, even a thousand-calorie diet does not help to obtain the right result.

Our body needs, even in the slimming phase, to take in sufficient doses all the macro and micronutrients it needs .

For this it might be useful to calibrate our weight loss using an online calculator.
Something that makes us understand, based on our activity and our needs, how many calories to take for a safe and effective weight loss, which will involve more fat than lean mass.

Until now, many online calorie calculators relied on old, out-of-date formulas according to the guidelines. 
But the good news is there.

Scientists from the  National Institutes of Health have created a new algorithm to calculate our calorie needs. And I have tried it for you.
The calculator is called the Body Weight Planner and it works like this.

Online calorie calculator, here is the best

  1. First of all it is in English, so set the unit of measurement to kg / cm by selecting the metrics / units option.
  2. After filling in your details, be careful to be accurate in the last one.
    There are two levels of activity that you need to consider.
    The daily one, which includes the type of work, if totally sedentary (very light), interspersed with long hours standing and various movements (light), or gradually more energetic and manual.
    To be clear heavy is the option that a bricklayer should put.
    On physical activity, also here: if you do not do any or almost any, put on very light.
    If you walk or cycle, it will be light.
    For those who go to the gym on average 3 times a week it will be moderate. If you are sporty, heavy.
  3. On the next screen, you have to enter the goal weight you want to reach, and the days you want to use to get there. That is, how quickly do you want to lose weight.
    Remember that the slower the weight loss, the more effective it will be.
  4. The result appears in kilojoules.
    Put the calories option on.

    What you notice?
    It will likely show you more calories than you typically find in disposable weight loss diets .
    What does it mean?
    That you have to open your eyes, probably, and finally realize that if a group of scientists determines that you need 1600 calories to lose weight in 2 months, your 1200 calorie disposable diet can slow your metabolism .

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