On a diet after Easter thanks to chocolate

On a diet after Easter thanks to chocolate

After the Easter holidays, people on average ate between two thousand and four thousand calories more.
Why so many, you ask?
Unfortunately, Easter libations are really high in calories . Doves, rustic pies, cheese pizzas, tortani or casatielli, pastiere, travel from 400 to 700 calories per serving. Let’s add grilled meats, sausages, cold cuts, cheeses and first courses, all washed down with wine and close with the eggs. Result?
A pound more after just two days. In some cases, even a kilo and a half.
But here’s the good news.
The caloric excess of the holidays actually translates into half a kilo more.
Not too much, and one to two weeks of dieting would be enough to get back into shape immediately.

But then why does the scale show anything up to one and a half kilograms more?
Because as I explained in this article , to the weight gain from excess calories is added that of food on the stomach, of digestion slowed down by an excess of fat, of any intestinal fermentation, of the accumulation of water retention caused by both more food than from one glass too many in company.
For this added weight, it takes a 2-3 day window for things to return to normal.

However, the important thing is to return to normal , perhaps by going on a diet after Easter.
Going on a diet after the holidays offers a great advantage. We are motivated because we ate too much, and above all we can follow a low-calorie diet without problems for the metabolism if we limit it. Which is a bit difficult if, however, we still have some leftover sweets in the house, and above all the chocolate eggs.


On page two we see a clever way to not give up what’s left of sweet but to lose weight, with immediate results in 2-3 days and excess weight loss in a week.

The idea of ​​this diet comes from Dr. Will Clower, who uses this clever scheme with chocolate in his book ” Eat chocolate, lose weight “.
Here’s how to stay on a diet after Easter thanks to chocolate 

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