Omni hormone diet to lose 5 kg in 15 days

Omni hormone diet to lose 5 kg in 15 days



The Omni diet is a hormonal diet that acts on a metabolic and anti-inflammatory level, allowing you to lose 5 kg in 15 days (5 and a half kilos to be exact). It is a type of diet developed by a specialist nurse Tana Amen and her husband, doctor, Daniel Amen.


Tana created this diet after gaining weight due to the removal of her thyroid gland following a cancer. Having tried all the diets to lose weight, Tana realized that each diet worsened her precarious state of health even very quickly, without having appreciable results in terms of weight loss. Until she created a different diet plan with the help of her husband, with a two-week more weight loss phase that has the advantage of using nutrients and food combinations to provide energy and improve the body’s defenses. natural way. The diet is based on 70% of plant-based foods and 30% of proteins.

The health benefits are manifold. Following the success of the diet on herself, Amen has used the same approach with hundreds of patients, managing to achieve the same benefits. Reduced cholesterol and blood sugar, 5 kg weight loss in 15 days, reduced intestinal inflammation, improved hormonal levels, increased energy levels, concentration and mood.
Dcomedieta has read the book on the Omni diet written by the couple, and talks about it in absolute preview in Italy.


The OMNI diet has a few rules to follow.

  • One liter of water is drunk for every 30 kg of body weight (all liquids are included)
  • Only foods allowed on the list should be eaten for two weeks.
  • Then the list expands a little to the transition phase and finally to the maintenance phase which nevertheless remains gluten-free.
  • The diet is omnivorous. 30 percent of the protein must come from animal sources, so it can be followed at most by vegetarians but not by those who are vegan.
  • Vegetable oils are not used except coconut or olive oils. Alternatively, oil can be avoided by cooking some foods with a few tablespoons of glutamate-free broth.
  • It is necessary to walk half an hour every day in the slimming phase, that of two weeks.

There are then 5 things to choose from according to this list.

  1. Exercise with weights (even half-liter bottles of water to start) twice a week.
  2. Expect bodyweight physical activity for half an hour every other day.
  3. Finding an accomplice to help us with the diet, a supportive person.
  4. Drink a vegetable smoothie or centrifuged twice a week even in the maintenance phase.
  5. Meditate 5 minutes a day.
  6. Write down what you eat in a notebook.
  7. Eat an extra serving of vegetables per day.
  8. Drink an extra glass of water a day.

Let’s now look at phase one of the diet.

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