Okinawa diet for weight loss in one week
What is the Okinawa diet all about ? A journalist tried it for a month with indisputable advantages: reduced body weight of about 6 kilos, indisputable antioxidant effect, looks much younger, quality of sleep improved, nervous hunger disappeared, skin much brighter. The only drawback: the diet is a bit boring, for this one month is enough and advances, but also only 15 days to remove about 3-4 kilos without taking them back.
This is because the Okinawa diet is very healthy, low-carb, full of fruits and especially vegetables, fish and seaweed . It is an excellent detox diet and it would seem the long life secret of the inhabitants of the Okinawa archipelago, all centenarians: their particular history has meant that the Okinawa diet was studied for years. Of course, not all the benefits of a population depend on their diet.
However, the Okinawa diet has on its side the fact that it is low-calorie, has an incredible effect on metabolism and digestion.because it is rich in omega3 and mineral salts, it has little salt, it is very simple so it is easy to follow, it has an extraordinary detoxifying effect on the body, away swelling, away the desire for crap. To do it, however, you need to have one of those Naturasì-type shops or a good organic one at your disposal: in fact, you need miso soup and kombu-type seaweed (or others) if you want to try it.
Other foods to find organic in addition to miso and kombu seaweed:
– soy milk enriched with calcium and without added sugar
– tofu
– wholemeal flour
– brown rice
– soy vermicelli
– green tea
– sweet potatoes (you can also find these in the supermarket )
– soy sauce
– shiratake mushrooms (optional)
For the rest you need to have a fish shop and a greengrocer close at hand.
Characteristics of the Okinawa diet: low salt, good percentage of fat, low carbohydrates, lots of vegetables and fruit, fish and seaweed (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)
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