Off a bounty on the honey diet

Off a bounty on the honey diet

Yes, excuse me. I am in PMS and I want sweets, which I eat but which make me want other sweets. So today I wrote three articles on diets for sweet tooth lovers. And yes, because if we like sweets and yet also want to lose weight, we need to be a little smart. For example, choose diets that have room for dessert and don’t start with the idea of ​​eliminating, controlling yourself, giving up. If you missed the diet with the gluttonous breakfast ( here ) for those who like to get up with a nice piece of cake in the morning, don’t miss the honey diet.

The honey diet is a diet developed by nutritionist Mike McInnes, and allows you to lose a size quickly before an important event, a holiday, a holiday. McInnes says he has been studying honey as a food for years, and has found it a key food for weight loss both for its prebiotic properties and for its fructose content, a sugar that reaches the liver allowing it to replenish its glycogen stores. .
This, according to McInnes, has an effect on stress, and reduces the body’s need for sugar , leaving us starving for sweets. It would be enough to drink a sweetened drinkwith honey before going to bed and substitute honey for sugar during the day to achieve this effect. In fact, if an excess of fructose can create problems, fructose within certain limits (the use of honey in these quantities plus the amount of fructose in fruit) improves glucose sensitivity.
A stressed brain is in fact a brain that systematically asks for sugar.
This problem can be reduced thanks to honey and some tricks at the table. Thus was born the honey diet.

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