Obesity: those who are fat do not have a healthy heart, they care more

Obesity: those who are fat do not have a healthy heart, they care more

fat childThe news is that people suffering from obesity have greater longevity and lower cardiovascular risks , basically the opposite of everything we have been told so far . In fact, there are two news items : on the one hand, a study conducted at the State University of New York, analyzed groups of thin or obese patients after an angioplasty, finding that the latter lived longer. This in all likelihood occurs not because obesity normally protects against cardiovascular disease, but precisely because an obese patient, being at risk for the heart, is often subjected to preventive pharmacological treatments., for example, takes statins against cholesterol. So the news is this, and not that those who are obese have a stronger heart, but that they often take better care, and when they are treated, it lowers cardiovascular risks. Well, God forbid, huh.

The second piece of news, on the other hand, concerns a research by the University of Queensland School of Medicine in New Orleans , which analyzed groups of people with lower or higher fat mass, coming to the conclusion that a higher lean mass in the body mass index is linked to a longer life and with fewer health risks. Since an obese is defined as such by a high body mass index, the true obese is the one who has the most fat mass : otherwise any tall and full muscle bodybuilder could go for obese! The researchers wanted to criticize the body mass index limit as the only indicator of obesity , leaning more towards the fat mass index, the actually dangerous one.

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