Nutrition in pregnancy and risk of intoxication
A very interesting study has just come out that analyzed the risk of intoxication in pregnancy for the mother and in the weaning phase of the newborn. Of the sample of women and children examined, dietary habits were requested and urine was compared to see if there was any exposure to toxins.
These toxic substances in fact release traces in the urine.
By analyzing the samples, the researchers made an unpleasant discovery.
These are the conclusions of researchers at USC’s Keck School of Medicine as part of the Environmental Health Perspectives project. They analyzed a sample of nearly 900 women and 1300 children in 6 European countries. Namely Lithuania, Spain, Greece, Norway, France and England.
Below you will find a legend of the contaminants that I list by abbreviation.
- Women who ate more than three servings a week of fish during pregnancy had high levels of mercury, arsenic and toxic substances called PCBs and PFUnDA. In addition to this, traces of PFNA and PFOS / PFAS were found in children who ate more than three servings a week of fish.
- Consumption of fruit in both pregnant and infant feeding was associated with OP metabolites in urine. However, not if it was organic fruit.
Substance legend.
Op metabolites: organophosphates derived from insecticides, high toxicity to humans. Related to asthma, obesity, neurological disorders.
PCBs: polychlorinated biphenyls, persistent pollutants which in high doses give poisoning similar to that of dioxins.
PFUnDA: perfluoroundecanoic acid, a substance similar to bisphenol that destroys pancreatic cells and is associated with insulin resistance. It is found in polluted food and water.
PFNA: perfluorononanoic acid, a toxic pollutant that tends to accumulate in the body. It is found in polluted waters and plastics. There are studies that link it to autoimmune diseases, developmental problems in the child and fetal malformation, liver toxicity and hypercholesterolemia.
PFOS: perfluorooctansulfonic acid, present in polluted soils and aquifers. Related to hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, increased uric acid and liver toxicity. PFAS are similar and are carcinogenic.
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