No more on a diet: the new book by Sara Farnetti

No more on a diet: the new book by Sara Farnetti

book-by-sara-farnetti-1Dr. Sara Farnetti, internist doctor and specialist in functional nutrition, amazes us with a new book with an unconventional title, namely “ No more on a diet “.

After the success of the “functional metabolic” method explained in the book “Everything you know about food is false”, which I told you about in this article , Dr. Farnetti returns with a new book in which she explains why so many people diet without get results.

In fact, many of us chase a magic number on the scale, count calories, pay attention to portions.

But what has this behavior brought about over the years?
To a metabolic and health poverty that didn’t even get us the hoped-for weight loss.
Or, if it did, the results weren’t lasting over time.

But only when nutrition is our ally and allows us to maintain an adequate state of health, can we effortlessly achieve a good weight.
And we will notice that we know how to manage it over time without problems.

Therefore, losing weight and feeling good are not the same thing, and if we do not feed ourselves adequately to lose weight, we will continue to have problems.

And how to eat in order to restore or maintain our state of health?

According to Dr. Farnetti, implementing what she calls “precision” medicine .
That is, using nutrition in a functional way to stay healthy, making the right combinations between foods that allow us to benefit from food and not harm it.

If you have not yet discovered Dr. Farnetti’s method, I strongly recommend that you recover from this new book.

It contains tips that will allow you to learn to eat well , better than before.
And to understand the mechanisms for gaining the right weight and staying in perfect health without resorting to different diets.

Also in the book of recipes and tips for making a healthy diet for us but also eco-sustainable.

For each recipe below there is an explanation in which we will understand the action of foods combined in a certain way, and the individual properties of foods. But also how to prepare them for maximum benefits.

The advantages? In addition to getting back in shape, digestion will be better, we will not have moments of tiredness and dancing mood, or energy that comes and goes.
And we will be able to fight aging thanks to the right food choices, the correct food preparations and their combination.

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