Natural products against my dog’s cancer?
Hello, I have a labrador diagnosed with malignant melanoma, positioned under the jaw. I wanted to know if there is any natural product that can fight cancer without causing too many side effects to the dog. I have heard of Graviola extract which is effective in some cases. Thanks for collaboration. Daniele
Health Answers

Hello Daniele, in a serious pathology such as a malignant tumor, natural therapy can only support the conventional one. In compliance with my professional ethics, I advise you to rely on the treatment set in these cases by your trusted veterinarian.
Good evening, as a support to allopathic therapy I recommend taking Aloe Barbadensis Miller (aloe vera) gel both by mouth and topically under the jaw with a spray solution. But it cannot be a substitute for traditional therapy.

Good evening, first of all I am very sorry for your dog, having a dog I also understand very well what it feels like in these cases. My advice is to use the fresh Aloe Arborescens plant (buy a potted plant that is no less than 4 years old) as a support therapy to the medical one that unfortunately will have to follow. He must blend the leaves of the plant after removing the thorns and give the dog about 1 gr per kg per day. All this must be done away from light as the gel inside the aloe is very photosensitive and many of its properties would be lost. To simplify the work you can blend a couple of leaves, keep them in a dark jar or wrapped in aluminum foil and keep it in the fridge for 2/3 days, put it in a syringe without a needle and shoot it in the dog’s mouth. this link shows you the properties of this plant.
Hello, I’m very sorry for your dog. I have read my colleagues’ answers and cannot add anything else. Unfortunately for a pathology of this type, natural medicine can offer supportive therapy but not replacement. Aloe Arborescens is, in my opinion, the best remedy for both internal and external use.

Hello Mr. Daniele, very sorry for your dog as I am a lover, especially Dobermanns but still not making any distinction of breed, Much better than humans! I highly recommend a veterinarian who applies bioresonance therapy. I don’t want to add false hopes but it is a therapy that I would also give to my dog.
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