Natural Migraine Remedies: Diet Tips

Natural Migraine Remedies: Diet Tips


Many people suffer from migraines or chronic headaches: in this case, pharmacological treatments are only one aspect to consider, unless you want to live life with painkillers (and there are those who even or still take neuroleptics).
Another aspect of natural remedies for migraines is also worth considering, namely diet.
Below I show you some research that has linked migraines to diet ( source ).


1) Eating a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat can reduce migraine symptoms and chronic headaches in general:  so to speak, a diet like Ornish, a diet like TLC, a diet like High Starch Solution or Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritional Diet. Often these diets have a high content of cereals, especially whole grains, few proteins from lean sources and very few fats, attributable to a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and to sources such as fish and oilseeds. In general, fat consumption must be less than 20 percent (therefore not the classic Mediterranean diet, which reaches 30 percent fat).
2) Ketogenic diets, provided that they are cyclized and under the supervision of a doctor:in this case it works the other way around, carbohydrates are reduced and fat is usually increased (but not always). Clearly, after a first surgery it will be necessary to establish a standard (but low) dose of carbohydrates with the doctor to avoid health risks.
Now let’s see some food tips more affordable for everyone.

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