Natural Horoscope June 2021

Natural Horoscope June 2021

The horoscope of June 2021 according to the astrological calendar, from May 21 to June 21: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!


The natural horoscope for June 2021  is online with forecasts on the trend of the month,  tips on how to manage the period in the best possible way , tips on body and movement, spiritual tips and advice on reading and music.

Overview of the horoscope for June

An animated sky in June which opens with an opposition between Mars and Pluto and with a square between Saturn and Uranus , not easy passages, which speak of a rather conflicting sky, in which it will not always be easy to manage the forces at play.

The fact that Mars collides first with Pluto , then with Saturn and Uranus (in its passage in Leo), portends the escalation of situations that are already in the balance and can create a sense of restlessness and discomfort that can turn into hostility.

At the same time, the  retrogradation of Mercury  could create some  confusion regarding important objectives, strategies, decisions. 

To avoid making missteps, or exacerbating some situations , we must try to observe what happens in a realistic way, stop for a moment and understand if it is worth the risk or not.

However, on a personal level , the squaring of Saturn with Uranus, although it can give rise to somewhat stressful situations, can give us the necessary push to overcome those fears or resistances that have conditioned us in the past, so much so as to slow down our process of change.

The forces at play push us to change our lifestyle habits, using a different way of communicating. The solar eclipse of day 10 will help us understand what we are able to do and achieve.

Jupiter continues its transit in the sign of Pisces , and represents an invitation to explore our soul, our unconscious and the links with the subtle worlds. We will be able to achieve greater centering and balance through meditation or yoga. 

From June 20 to July 28 ,  the “ good giant ” will be in retrograde motion from the sign of Pisces, amplifying our need to get in touch with our interiority. The purpose of the planet is to help us achieve  spiritual healing ,  and to understand that the health of the body is closely related to the health of the soul.

June horoscope for Aries

June starts with a pinch of nervousness , due to Mars and Venus opposed by the sign of Cancer. Mars, in particular, day 6 will be in perfect opposition with Pluto, a transit that could make you more vulnerable to attacks coming…

Read all the June tips for ARIES >>

June horoscope for Taurus

June is divided into two parts, the first part of the month talks about easier energies for your sign, the second is a bit more tiring. Let’s start with the easy aspects: Venus, your guiding star, enters the sign of Cancer, a transit that turns out to be positive for the affections…

Read all the June tips for TAURUS >>

June horoscope for Gemini

Ruled by Mercury you are strongly influenced by his inspirations, his whims, his genius, his second thoughts. And it often happens that when the planet “slows down”, you become a little more reflective, less communicative …

Read all the tips for June for GEMINI >>

June horoscope for Cancer

Beautiful this month of June , which opens with the arrival of Venus in your sign . A transit that will have a positive impact on your relationships and relationships. New acquaintances, increased personal charm, and in some cases the birth of a new love …

Read all the June tips for CANCER >>

June horoscope for Leo

Wind of renewal for you dear Leo that this month you see  Mars arriving in your sign , a transit that allows you to travel with the wind in your sails, thanks to the great energy and trust you place in yourself . In your favor also continue…

Read all the June tips for the LION >>

June horoscope for Virgo

Wonderful beginning of the month for you , which begins with Venus in a sign of water, Cancer, in perfect trine to Jupiter in Pisces, indicating that it is from the field of friendships that the most beautiful surprises can arrive and who knows, perhaps, even the love…

Read all the tips for June for the VIRGIN >>

June horoscope for Libra

June starts with some ups and downs. There are still a few issues around home , family, or real estate that create some stress, especially in the early part of the month. The collision of Mars with Pluto…

Read all the June tips for LIBRA >>

June horoscope for Scorpio

Variable situation due to opposing Mars which, starting from day 11, will hammer your head with problems related to professional activity, a bit heavy if you are dealing with an unbearable boss or environment, demanding if the work is not there. you have it…

Read all the June tips for SCORPIO >>

June horoscope for Sagittarius

June begins with a bit of restlessness , perhaps due to an accumulation of duties, commitments, various emergencies. Mercury, the planet that in astrology symbolizes communication in a broad sense, continues its transit of opposition to your Sun, creating a series…

Read all the tips for June for SAGITTARIUS >>

June horoscope for Capricorn

The entry of Jupiter into Pisces is a real panacea for your sign . There are many Capricorns (for now those born in December) who are relaunching their parameters of life, allowing themselves to let themselves go a little more, to relax a little more …

Read all the June tips for CAPRICORN >>

June horoscope for Aquarius

It is a period of great evolution that you are experiencing, personal and professional. With Saturn in your sign, many aspects of your life are changing. It is possible that many projects did not go according to your expectations.…

Read all the June tips for AQUARIUS >>

June horoscope for Pisces

Jupiter and Neptune are the planets that are exerting an important influence on your sign right now. In fact, the two planets, in addition to being your planetary Masters, are located in their domiciles, (that is, they are found in the signs that represent …

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