Natural Horoscope for December
The horoscope of December 2021 according to the astrological calendar, from November 22 to December 21: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!

The natural horoscope for December 2021  is online with forecasts on the trend of the month,  tips on how to manage the period in the best possible way , tips on body, movement and spiritual aspects.
General overview of the horoscope for December
December opens with an eclipse of the new Moon in Sagittarius , at 12 degrees. This new Moon represents the conclusion of a work of awareness that we began at the beginning of the year.
Thus, the cycle of eclipses in Sagittarius ends (the first took place on 14 December 2020), while, from next year, the axis concerned will be the Taurus-Scorpio one . This new Moon will be in large conjunction with the South Node at 0 degrees of Sagittarius , indicating that a karmic cycle has come to an end.
The sign of Sagittarius is associated with expansion and personal growth , with the philosophical and spiritual understanding of life, which is why, with this new Moon, we will be able to witness a spurt of awareness that will allow us to turn our gaze in new directions. Free from emotional burdensthat in the past years have slowed or hindered us, we will be ready to start a new life path.
Energetically closes a cycle that is no longer in line with what we have become now, and a new one opens , in which we will have the opportunity to confront and measure ourselves with new people, energetically different from those we met previously.
To welcome this New Moon in the best way it is important to remain positive, confident in the future, focusing our thoughts on what we can do that is beautiful, useful, great , important in our life, without letting ourselves be discouraged if some situations have not yet materialized. What do you want to manifest in your life?Â
Venus , on the day of the 19th , begins its retrograde motion at 26 ° of Capricorn , and for the whole month it will be in conjunction with Pluto. This influence will have an impact on the way we relate to others and especially to the people with whom we have a more intimate relationship.
Venus, in astrology, symbolizes our way of loving, our emotional capacity , our desires and our choices (what we value is right for us and for our good).
Capricorn is an emotional sign, but it tends not to show its emotions. During this powerful conjunction our emotions will become more intense and it will be difficult to keep them under control. This will be particularly true for those born under the sign of Aries , Libra , Cancer and Capricorn belonging to the third decade .
In many cases this Venus could bring a return of the past , or make us go back to a closed story in order to analyze and better understand what happened, or / and possibly to take a step back.
In the face of a return, however, it will be necessary to carefully evaluate whether or not to resume the relationship. Venus is found in Capricorn (the sign of Saturn), and every choice must be made with caution, without haste. Saturn is the lord of Time and asks you to do things calmly, with the right times.
November horoscope for Aries
Strong December ! Just like the  force  that moves you from within, and that is helping you to carry out important projects, to expand your professional horizons, (through new contacts and new collaborations), and personal ones, through new acquaintances and friendships …
Read all the tips of December for ARIES >>
November horoscope for Taurus
You are still struggling with a sky populated by planets that give life to some tension . First of all Mars ,  which from the sign of Scorpio makes you more nervous and reactive, not very malleable. Especially since the planet will collide in the first fortnight…
Read all December tips for TAURUS >>
November horoscope for Gemini
The last month of the year opens up a little bit uphill for you , and the difficulties come from your opposite sign: Sagittarius. It is precisely in this sign that the eclipse of the new Moon, day 4 will open the dance, forcing you to abandon modalities or attitudes …
Read all the tips for December for GEMINI >>
November horoscope for Cancer
The sector strongly solicited by the transits in progress continues to be that of relations. The double transit of Pluto and Venus in Capricorn makes the sentimental life of those born of the sign particularly intense and even a little turbulent …
Read all the advice for December for CANCER >>
November horoscope for Leo
It starts a little subdued this month December . There are some situations that put you in a bad mood, and I am talking above all about those situations that you may have swallowed in the past few months, but that now make you angry. If we really want to be honest …
Read all the tips for December for the LION >>
November horoscope for Virgo
Protected by the splendid trine of Venus, right now you can consider yourself one of the most favorite signs of the Zodiac ! And not only in the sentimental field, but also in the professional one. From the fifth house, Venus, increase your charisma, your luck…
Read all the tips for December for the VIRGIN >>
November horoscope for Libra
Nice this month of December! Thanks to the support of Mercury (until day 13), and from the middle of the month also of Mars your social and professional life will become much more intense, dynamic, lively. Without forgetting the new moon eclipse on day 4…
Read all December tips for LIBRA >>
November horoscope for Scorpio
More and more aware of your desires, your needs, and what you can do, you close 2021 with a very strong desire : to put the past behind you and to live your life in a full and fulfilling way. There are many new features coming up and they must be grasped without hesitation…
Read all the tips for December for the SCORPIO >>
November horoscope for Sagittarius
The time has come for action. With Mars entering your sign on the 13th day, a series of doubts, perplexities, insecurities that last month did not allow you to express your sunny and jovial part in the right way come to dissolve. Back to reappear …
Read all the advice for December for the SAGITTARIUS >>
November horoscope for Capricorn
What a beautiful month December! With Venus in your sign (until March 2022), your affection travels 360 degrees and is aimed at your partner, children, friends, relatives. Not to mention Mercury, which in the second fortnight will protect business, study, work …
Read all December tips for CAPRICORN >>
November horoscope for Aquarius
December, last month of the year. Month of budgets, of good intentions, of plans for the new year. A month that often invites us to look inside ourselves and understand how much effort we have put into everything we have done, and what results we have achieved …
Read all December tips for AQUARIUS >>
November horoscope for Pisces
Really nice this December. Thanks to the support of Venus in Capricorn , your social, professional and emotional life is going through a very eventful , happy and satisfying phase. Considering that Mars too, up to day 13 will be…
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