Natural Horoscope February 2020

Natural Horoscope February 2020

The February 2020 horoscope according to the astrological calendar, from January 21 to February 19: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!


The February 2020 horoscope  is online with forecasts on the trend of the month, herbal and dietary advice, tips on body and movement, spiritual tips and reading and music advice.


Overview of the horoscope for February

February is a very busy month! The dance of the planets colors the atmosphere of hope, of new intentions , of dreams to be realized. 


This month it will be the ideals guided by the Water element of Mercury,
together with the strength of the cardinal planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Aries) to rule the energies of February.


We start from Mercury that day 3, begins a long stop ring in the sign of Pisces, a transit that will accompany us until April 10th. In the wake of the peach energy, communication and thoughts become more fluid , imagination and creativity more pronounced, and often at the expense of logic and rationality.


The line between truth and lies is rather blurry . In Pisces, Mercury has a bit of a hard time putting things in order. Whether it is practical, in ideas, objectives or emotions, somewhere the pescino order is a little more lacking than other signs. 


On February 17, the planet will begin its retrograde motion, increasing the risk of underestimating some “reality data” , however important, and of placing too much emphasis on fantastic but scarcely achievable thoughts and ideas. 


In order not to get confused with the other, it will be essential not to lose sight of one’s needs , preferences, and boundaries. Logic and critical sense may lack in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
A precious help will come to us from Mars, which day 16, (just one day before the retrogradation of Mercury) enters the sign of Capricorn.


The red planet will help all of us to stabilize energy and use it more concretely and effectively. A creative push (Mercury) and a material push (Mars): the mix of energies of the month could stimulate our growth in both directions. 


And provide us with the first real opportunity of the year to rearrange our expectations and our projects , while remaining anchored to the ground. The energy of Mars, in fact, tends to be more concentrated than when Mars was in Sagittarius, and can help us obtain excellent results in the professional field, especially in those jobs that require patience, endurance, concentration. 


Mars, on the day of 22 will be in trine with Uranus, an aspect that speaks of enormous energies , of a great dynamism, of an excellent strength to decide, to pursue the projects that are important to us and carry them out. 


The importance of making choices that we feel right for us, that we really like them, suggests it to us Venus, which day 7 will pass through Aries, a passionate and impetuous, impulsive and courageous sign. A Venus that invites us to “fight for what we love” . Also in the relational field. 


February 2020 horoscope for Aries

It is not easy to experience the changes that Saturn and Pluto are bringing in your life, especially now that Jupiter is also in Capricorn, and that asks you to be more prudent in the management of your resources . The energetic background of this beginning of the year is certainly a bit heavy …


Read all the tips for February for ARIES >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Taurus

There are four “big bits” that characterize your 2020 sky. The first, Uranus, stationed in your sign, has been blowing (for some time now) winds of all-round renewal, especially if you belong to the first decade. 


The inputs coming from the revolutionary planet in question can affect both work and …


Read all the tips for February for the BULL >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Gemini

It starts a little subdued this month February. There is a general thread of tension , especially in work, accompanied by the feeling of having all eyes on you and continually risking making some false step. 


The person responsible for this feeling of bewilderment, and in some cases, of fatigue is Mercury, who will make a long loop from February 3 to April 10 … 


Read all the tips of February for GEMINI >> 


Cancer February 2020 horoscope

It is not easy to write a general horoscope for those born with the sign of Cancer, who in turn, over the last few years, have been targeted by complicated transits , in some difficult cases, which have put a strain on their patience and also their confidence in the future. 


Saturn and Pluto in opposition: two challenging planets, which ask a lot in terms of sacrifice, commitment … 


Read all the tips of February for CANCER >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Leo

The wave of energy , favors and good feelings continues! With Mars in trine to the Sun, February opens in a dynamic and sparkling way. Not only Mars, but also Venus will be in excellent support, helping to insert a breath of fresh air in your relationships . 


Charm, charisma, resourcefulness, are your strengths and this month you will know well …


Read all the tips for February for the LION >>


February 2020 horoscope for Virgo

The difficulty of keeping your beliefs in front of others , of being consistent with what you feel and with what is expected of you is a challenge you may face in this month of February. 


Nothing new in reality, because these are situations that your sign often has to deal with, and that happen every time you put yourself aside for others …


Read all the tips for February for the VIRGIN >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Libra

It’s a bit of a mixed bag this February . Mars is in your favor until 16, Venus instead is in opposition from the sign of Aries, in the background the planets in Capricorn, (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto), all in quadrature. 


somewhat tiring sky
, therefore, which makes the conditions in which you carry out your activities a little less simple . However, do not imagine situations at the limit …


Read all the tips for February for LIBRA >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Scorpio

Work continues to be the main theme of this beginning of the year , a year that welcomed you with a series of innovations and changes that may have involved a transfer, the sale of an activity, a change of role or task. 


It has been since May of last year that those born of Scorpio, in particular of the first decade, have come into contact with the challenging energy …


Read all the tips for February for SCORPIO >>


February 2020 horoscope for Sagittarius

Ambivalent transits accompany the beginning of this month of February. Mars in your sign indicates that you have a great desire to do, to act, to get involved , but Mercury in Pisces, from day 3 speaks of confused ideas, destructured thoughts, not very linear, which often risk getting confused, and
who do not like to stay within fixed patterns and precise lines …


Read all the tips for February for the SAGITTARIUS >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Capricorn

February is a good month! If you have been working for a company for years, are looking for new spaces, or want to “count more”, there is Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and your unwavering determination to allow yourself to consolidate your professional position . 


As said several times, the sky of this new year is a sky that strongly supports you, helping you to …


Read all the tips for February for CAPRICORN >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Aquarius

February opens with a flourish! Mars in Sagittarius and Venus in Aries (from day 7) support your sign by infusing you with charisma, sensuality, sympathy . 


With the two planets in good aspect you will be in splendid shape, not only physically but also emotionally. The wide range of interests, the willingness to learn something new , go to a different place, express …


Read all the tips for AQUARIUS in February >> 


February 2020 horoscope for Pisces

Jupiter’s entry into Capricorn did not go unnoticed. There are many born of the sign who are  relaunching their parameters of life , allowing themselves to do more, to do better, to broaden the circle of business, to devote themselves to new activities. 


The transit of Jupiter takes place in your Eleventh house, the area of ​​the horoscope associated with hopes , dreams in the drawer …

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