Natural Horoscope April 2021

Natural Horoscope April 2021

The horoscope of April 2021 according to the astrological calendar, from March 21 to April 20: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!


The natural horoscope for April 2021  is online with forecasts on the trend of the month,  tips on how to manage the period in the best possible way , tips on body and movement, spiritual tips and advice on reading and music.

Overview of the April horoscope

The first part of April speaks to us of a fast, dynamic, sparkling energy . Mars continues its transit in the sign of Gemini intertwining its energies with those of Jupiter in Aquarius, a transit that will make the use of our energy capable and fortunate. Jovian optimism will be charged with strength, enthusiasm, versatility.

In short, it will be the right time to show courage, to act without too much hesitation . This happy union starts a very dynamic and productive month, which will give space to good opportunities and new projects to focus on.

Many restrictions will loosen this month, and we can move more. To support the enthusiasm of Mars and Jupiterthere will also be Venus in Aries, in sextile aspect with the two planets. There will also be a strong desire to get involved, to socialize, to show oneself and want to appear fascinating in the eyes of others. This is a great time for romantic relationships that will work 360 degrees.

Day 10 Venus will be in perfect sextile with Jupiter , a very lucky moment, in which various opportunities may arise in our life. However, the contemporary square of Mars with Neptune suggests that some initiatives be considered better.

Something that initially looks positive can instead reveal a deceptive face. A precious help, to better evaluate people and situations will be given to us by Mercury in Taurusfrom April 19th to May 3rd. The planet day 24 will join Uranus helping us to find alternative (and in some cases brilliant) solutions to problems and to address practical issues more effectively.

April horoscope for Aries

This is a beautiful month dear Aries . The road begins to go downhill, and I imagine that in March, close to the vernal equinox, you noticed this change in trend. Of course, not all situations went exactly as you imagined …

Read all the tips for April for ARIES >>

April horoscope for Taurus

” April sweet sleep …” says an ancient popular saying, referring to the fact that during the spring season we tend to delay more relaxation and sleep, due to the change in temperature. And April actually sees you a little more sleepy…

Read all the tips for April for the BULL >>

April horoscope for Gemini

April too, like March, offers you exceptional support, that of  Mars  in the sign . The planet, in transit on your Sun, gives you grit, courage and energy to sell. Thanks to his support you will be more proactive, decision-making and definitely more combative …

Read all the tips for April for GEMINI >>

April horoscope for Cancer

Mortgages, taxes, inheritance payments, investments, commissions, loans, liquidations, debts, joint ventures, and shared resources fall under the domain of the Eighth House. In this zodiacal sector there are Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius…

Read all the tips of April for CANCER >>

April horoscope for Leo

It’s a beautiful month April! With Mars sextile to the Sun , the month opens in a dynamic and sparkling way. Not only Mars, but also Venus will be in excellent support , helping to insert a breath of fresh air in your relationships …

Read all the tips for April for the LION >>

April horoscope for Virgo

Work continues to be the key point of this period : Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini, speak of new job opportunities, of important changes that in many cases may involve new methods and working techniques …

Read all the tips for April for the VIRGIN >>

April horoscope for Libra

April is a really nice month! Mars, Jupiter and Saturn support you at the sword with a nice trine to the Sun , indicating that in this period the opportunities to revive your life are really there. The houses involved in the transits are the fifth and ninth …

Read all the tips for April for LIBRA >>

April horoscope for Scorpio

April is a month of ups and downs . There are a number of situations that currently put you under some stress, some may involve finances and work, others your love life. Know that many situations will find a happy solution already next month …

Read all the tips for April for SCORPIO >>

April horoscope for Sagittarius

With Mars in opposition , the month of April still sees you struggling with some relationship problems. Nothing serious, of course, but it is possible that you may be a little more reactive than usual during this period . In your closest relationships, whether at work or in affection…

Read all the tips for April for the SAGITTARIUS >>

April horoscope for Capricorn

The Capricorn in this period is grappling with a series of professional innovations that if on the one hand give great satisfaction , on the other can create a bit of stress. The emotional climate is in fact a bit unstable and it is not always easy to keep up with all the commitments …

Read all the tips for April for CAPRICORN >>

April horoscope for Aquarius

April opens with a flourish! Mars continues to support you from the sign of Gemini , forming a contemporary trine aspect with Jupiter in your sign. This is an excellent step, which in addition to providing you with a good dose of energy will help you deal with …

Read all the tips for April for AQUARIUM >>

April horoscope for Pisces

The month of April begins quietly. With Mars in quadrature with the sign of Gemini, you may feel a feeling of restlessness, of nervousness. The planet makes you more restless, erratic, and you may find it a bit difficult to comply with rules …

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