Natural Horoscope 2020
Natural horoscope 2020: forecasts and advice on your physical, emotional, psychic, relational and spiritual well-being.

General overview of the horoscope 2020
The 2020 horoscope is online , with all the forecasts sign by sign on physical, emotional, psychic, relational and spiritual well-being.
The undisputed protagonist of this 2020 will be Jupiter , the planet of luck, which until December 2 will be in Sagittarius , the sign of its domicile, or the sign in which the planet expresses its full potential.
The quality of the coming months will be markedly colored by a positive note. 2020 is a year in which each of us will be able to improve their situation , have new experiences, indulge their desire to discover, to know.
It will be necessary to let oneself go a little more than possible, and not to stiffen on ideologies and habitual behaviors that are known all too well. Jupiter is in a fire signand this also means that we will have to try to surround ourselves with people who energetically make us vibrate, laugh, thrill .
Therefore, having experiences that make you feel alive, not dull. We have to re-ignite our inner fire, recover our passion for life (in case it has failed), go back to being curious . It is curiosity that moves the world, not immobility. And this is what Jupiter wants to remind us.
Jupiter will also give us the impetus to take courageous, and even a little daring, actions. Optimism and confidence will give us the energy and the right amount of energy to take those steps that in other circumstances we will not have taken.
It is significant that the new year begins with the entry of Mars into Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and represents the vital momentum , rebirth, new beginnings: what was not manifest, in January will find its manifestation.Courage, desire for change, resourcefulness, audacity, will have to guide our actions .
It is also significant that no planet will be retrograde in January, confirming that we are entering a new phase of our life.
In the foreground this year all of us will have to put ourselves in the dimension of growth, enrichment, integration of the different.
Jupiter in Sagittarius will allow us to re-find ourselves , but also tore-discover the taste for research and exploration of new situations, which are necessary in order not to lose sight of oneself and one’s own individuation.
Aries horoscope 2020
Good health in 2020 will be the result of many factors: healthy environment, regulated life, positive thinking. The square of Jupiter and Pluto , which will alternate with that of Saturn, speaks of tiredness, stress, a tendency to pessimism.
You can and must, however, counter this trend by trying to manage your forces correctly , and to see challenges as an opportunity to grow …
Read all the 2020 tips for ARIES >> Â
Taurus horoscope 2020
2020 sees you in perfect shape. Thanks to Jupiter in trine to the Sun, the combination of positive thinking, creativity and inner well-being will create all the conditions for a full and fulfilling life.
Remember that the body also wants its part, and although sport is not your most obvious means of expression, dedicate yourself to free sports activities or in the gym …
Read all the 2020 tips for the BULL >>
Gemini horoscope 2020
Mars, in excellent aspect to your Sun from July to December, will be the guarantor of an amazing physical shape . You will feel really good both in body and soul.
The force of Mars will allow you to face 2020 with great momentum and enthusiasm. You will be strong, energetic, cheerful and perky, in spite of Neptune who continues to be disharmonious to your Sun …
Read all the 2020 tips for GEMINI >>
Cancer Horoscope 2020
2020 is a year in which you will have to take into account some ailments and a little tiredness . Â
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in quadrature invite you to be cautious from the point of view of health, which could weaken due to an excess of tension or the exacerbation of some ailment.
Even Mars from June 28 will begin a boring square to your Sun …
Read all the advice of 2020 for CANCER >>
Leo 2020 horoscope
On the level of psychophysical well -being , the differences between the decades will be reflected. Those born in the first decade will be affected, from March to June, by the opposition of Saturn, an aspect that generally tends to lower the vital energies.
We must not forget that Uranus is also in the opposite position and can give rise to excitement, nervousness, insomnia …
Read all the tips of 2020 for the LION >>
Virgo horoscope 2020
2020 is a year in which you will enjoy fantastic shape . Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in trine to the sun will be a panacea for your health, which will be solid and robust throughout the year.
The few with some ailments can be confident , especially in the last two decades, of a visible improvement. Full of vitality you will express yourself at your best: activism, imagination …
Read all the advice of 2020 for the VIRGIN >>
Libra 2020 horoscope
The sky of 2020 sees you rather tense and fatigued . Fault of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn who, due to their unfavorable orbit, will lower your physical and mental energies.
Missing may be a little discernment . The risk is to find yourself having to manage too many commitments and little time available. Physical and mental fatigue …
Read all the 2020 tips for LIBRA >>
Scorpio horoscope 2020
2020 announces the conclusion of the transit of Saturn in Capricorn and a first glimpse of Saturn in Aquarius.
The entry of Saturn into Aquarius will then be made official at the end of the year, in December, when it will join Jupiter, giving rise to great existential changes that for now will mainly involve those born in October, who must not neglect the shape …
Read all the tips of 2020 for the SCORPIO >>
Sagittarius horoscope 2020
A year of well-being and vitality awaits you. Positive and nice you will be the portrait of well-being and health. Thanks to the unusually long transit of Mars in Aries, which from July to December will support you with a harmonious trine.
You can recover any previous past, follow your numerous interests without problems , do all those things that you have left in the drawer due to lack of time or energy …
Read all the 2020 tips for the SAGITTARIUS >>
Capricorn 2020 horoscope
The real protagonist of your 2020 is Jupiter, which will pass through your sign until December 19 with the intent of making visible the results of your efforts, your commitment, your determination.
The Good Giant, which in astrology is associated with growth and expansion , will help you to expand your range of action, to live life with a more confident and optimistic approach …
Read all the 2020 tips for CAPRICORN >>
Aquarius horoscope 2020
2020 promises to be a gritty year, full of energy and strength. This is thanks to the unusually long passage of Mars, which from 28 June to 5 January 2021 will remain in the sign of Aries.
It is a transit that will give you a great boost of energy, determination and vitality. Your energy will rise: to improve your body or mind, just do everything you feel freely …
Read all the tips for 2020 for AQUARIUM >>
Pisces horoscope 2020
2020 will be a very profitable year for you in many ways. Your energy will expand visibly, thanks to the support of planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune.
Yes, all the slow planets , (those who are truly responsible for the fundamental changes in our life), will be on your side , and will help you achieve success …
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