My weight loss program

My weight loss program

Many people write to me to find out how to lose weight. Some want to know if I have a weight loss plan to provide or if I can recommend something. I am often asked the question two or three times a day.

What I can recommend as a bio-nutritionist, my weight loss program, if we can call it that, is actually the result of my direct experience, and of the lessons I learned by working and studying through the site.


First of all, I’ll explain the fundamental mistakes you may have made in the past and which I advise you not to make anymore. This premise is essential to make you understand what has so far made it impossible for you to lose weight and maintain weight. But if you want to go straight to the weight loss program, click on page 2.


  • The restrictive diet / food restriction / fast weight loss.

    You are well on your way to eating satisfactorily, without worrying about how much you eat, and managing to keep fit effortlessly and in good health.
    If, on the other hand, you have eliminated a lot of foods or you do not separate yourself from the scales or you are always hungry, you are NOT on the right path. Your healthy weight largely depends on your self-control, and you put too much effort into keeping yourself that way.
    The first thing you need to know is that you need to stop doing punitive diets.
    Especially if as time passes that extra pound becomes many more pounds, health falters and self-control becomes more and more difficult to maintain.

    Our musculature is a waste of energy for the body, while the maintenance of fat costs it few resources. That’s why restrictive and fast weight loss diets are often a double-edged sword. They reduce our lean mass.

  • Lack of physical activity.

    In the long run, exercising and increasing our muscle mass saves us from the effects of lowering metabolism as we age. Most women are scared to see weight gain (a couple of pounds) when they exercise and let it go.
    But those who train have a slimmer figure regardless of what the scales say, because it is their body composition that changes: more muscle, less fat.
    By training we also have the opportunity to eat more and feel better physically: it is the centimeters that matter. And those who train can reduce the cm of belly, thighs and hips.
    Physical activity is the most underrated part, but alas it is the most important of any weight loss program.

  • The tendency to consider body weight a reliable parameter .
    And therefore the balance.

    Weight fluctuations are frequent, they also depend on how much we eat and drink, on weather (yes), hormonal and digestive conditions. In general, those who always find themselves with a precise weight per pound from one day to the next have maniacal control and a tendency to undernourish.
    On the net, alas, it is full of people who believe that an adult woman should not, as a rule, eat more than 1500 calories and drink a certain amount of water, and who recommend a more restrictive low-calorie diet as soon as the scale goes out of the way. kilo. But that extra pound is not necessarily fat !!!
    Therefore, I recommend weighing yourself less: once a week or rather once a month.

    Now that I have listed what for me are the 3 fundamental mistakes that risk making you unhappy and making you fat, on page two I’ll explain what to do instead.

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