Here is our spoiler-free review of number 24 of My Hero Academia, the first publication of the manga after the lockdown.

Unfortunately, the wait between one issue and another of the increasingly popular My Hero Academia (also thanks to the advent of the anime) has begun to expand, but we are hardly disappointed whenever we are faced with a publication. With the number 23 the fans were surprised and displaced, not so much for the developments that the final part of the team test revealed, but above all for the final episodes of the volume which focused on the events related to the Union of Villains … and not only. Following this imprint, and continuing the course of events of which the 23rd was only the beginning, Kohei Horikoshicontinues to tell us what’s happening to the gang of bad guys, which we are increasingly getting to know deeply, from their past lives to personal motivations. My Hero Academia 24 is the first to come out after the lockdown, so the wait was nothing short of spasmodic

Away from the Yuei

The entire volume, therefore, is dedicated to the Union of Villain, now led by Tomura Shigaraki and which increasingly must learn how to be a leader. If the misfortune of the students of the Yuei has always been in a certain sense linked to them, this time they too have their own headaches, so much so as to seriously endanger the safety of their members. We broke up when the absurd attempt to convince Gigantomachia, the activation of the Ri-Destro plan to put the Union in check is also added, with the kidnapping of Giran. The planned counter-move then brought the Villains to the headquarters of the Liberation Army … which turned out to be an entire town!

Finished in the wolf’s lair, Shiragaki, Toga, Twice and all the others find themselves in a more complicated situation than expected, resulting in one of the most frenetic publications of the entire series (so far). Even if we have seen what they are made of, they are put in serious difficulty, bringing to light not only their own motivations, but also various twists related to individuals. Even though the last few periods have been quite difficult for them, the Union has found great strength in the spirit of cohesion, a group formed by individuals who for one reason or another felt excluded or were rejected by society.

The battle that in the entire number 24 takes place against L’Armata, therefore, has brought back the pride of some, but has also strengthened the concepts that this group of fanatics defend with great fervor, with the sole purpose of overturning society created.

On my mind

In addition to the blood and the quirks, therefore, inevitably (and in full Horikoshi style) some phases of the number take place with flashbacks , which greatly enrich what we already knew about some, but which for other characters brutally go to open the Vase of Pandora, finally clarifying the background that pushes the various characters to carry out these actions or to defend any cause. Without going into the details of the twists and events of which the singles will be protagonists (from both factions), know that the narrative pace remains high, and it has succeeded in full (even if perhaps not with all the space that it would have deserved) the mission to focus on them.

The interludes continue to give curiosity, while it is absolutely clear how much an entire publication dedicated to the villains was necessary , but only by reading the number you can discover the reason for this statement. We do not know for sure if the next issue will also be dedicated entirely to the Union, or if only a part, but the hypothesis of the same master in the final thanks makes us think that we will see Deku and his companions again very soon. My Hero Academia 24 is being promoted, although in our opinion, it could have been dug even deeper … or are they cartridges kept warm for the next act?

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