My daughter refuses school: what can I do?
Hi, my daughter is almost 15 years old, she attends the first high school, but she has a great difficulty in facing school. Let me explain: he goes there 3/4 days and then he stays at home 8/10. This thing started from middle school which “finally” finished, but it seems to be getting worse. In the days that she attends I see her return to serenity, then she does not get out of bed, she remains silent and does not go. It does not seem like a simple whim, but a block. What can it be? How can I help you? You say you don’t need a psychologist … Thanks
Health Answers
Hi, I agree with the colleague who answered before me. Maybe you could add some Bach flowers that could help further, both to solve the block and to facilitate the dialogue with your daughter.It is very important, indeed fundamental, that you speak, dialogue and listen to your daughter, as rightly advised you He connects her, with patience and attention, without hurrying the girl, with spontaneity, without making her daughter feel under interrogation, with all the love she is capable of. Dr. Maria laura Moruzzi-homeopath and flower therapist
Hi, I thank both Doctors for their courteous and very kind answers.In fact, I really believe that my daughter’s block is due to the fact that her two best friends, foreigners, have moved abroad and now unfortunately they have not been with them. the more you feel. I think she feels abandoned, I think she doesn’t want to go to school because of the fear of attaching herself to someone else and is somehow defending herself.She doesn’t do other activities, she also went to school in the afternoon and therefore had little time. How can I do so that she goes out, she has confidence in herself and opens up to others? Regarding Bach flowers, which flowers can you take specifically and in what doses? Thanks again.

Good evening, surely your clarifications are very useful in clarifying the emotional state of your daughter, even if it is not certain that everything is due to the departure of her dear friends. This is why I agree with her colleague, who recommended Bach flowers, very useful but it would be superficial to recommend someone like this based on what she says, even though she is certainly a very attentive mother. To choose the Remedies wisely, it is always important to meet with a certified consultant, who, by talking with the person concerned (in this case his daughter), can fully evaluate his state: maybe other emotions or situations that are not yet evident may emerge. Only then are the suitable flowers chosen with awareness. Thanks for your attention and I hope I have helped you.
Dear Madam, as the colleague rightly pointed out, and, I confess, I took it for granted, they must be prescribed after an interview with an expert person, who knows how to converse and grasp in the dialogue the key elements that lead to the correct prescription of the Flowers. , even knowing them, he cannot make a careful and precise prescription, because, obviously, he does not have the technical skills of a psychological nature

Dear mother, behind your daughter’s attitude of closure and silence there may be serious reasons or simply a state of apathy linked to the delicate and complex period that her daughter is going through. Sometimes “there is nothing” that cannot be resolved by adapting and overcoming the moments and the first difficulties of life. But when there is no self-confidence or self-esteem, everything can seem insurmountable (even finding oneself without friends who perhaps gave her the support and security that today have failed and that she does not find in herself). I recommend that you discuss the subject with a psychotherapist trying to talk delicately to her daughter about this, without however invading her personality because she could withdraw even more. Bach flowers can be of great help but only after a thorough and precise interview does it make sense to administer them. One more thing: sport and extra-curricular activities strengthen personality and sociability and self-esteem. Sincerely Cinzia

Hi, I strongly advise you to talk to your daughter in a sincere and calm way to understand the reasons for this attitude, due, in my opinion, to the fact that your daughter does not find the necessary inputs to go to school (subjects, teachers, teaching method etc. ). I remain available.

Dear Elisa, as essential oils to have more confidence in herself and in life, I recommend the Benzonium which has a strongly energizing effect, The Bergamot aroma helps to dissolve emotional excesses, encourages self-confidence and helps to fight the apathy and morning laziness of adolescents. Carrot Oil Helps to remove blockages that impede the free flow of energy, especially between the solar plexus and the Heart Chakra.Clove Oil on the psychic level removes melancholy, arouses the desire to believe and do courage to immerse yourself in the current of life. I also recommend getting her to start exercise, gym, walks etc. I remain available.

Hi Elisa, the oils I have indicated to you can all be used for internal use.

you can put them two or three drops under the tongue or in herbal teas etc.

Carrot oil can also be used topically as well as internally, all of which can also be diffused into the environment with the essence diffuser.

They are pottimi as essential oils also forgive, console, passion and motivated of the earth, you can take them directly from me. For use it is the same, topical, internal or diffuser.

you can safely use them at the same time they have no contraindications. Let me know.

Hi Elisa I also recommend lemon essential oil is an important remedy for depression and stress, it raises the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) in the brain, acts on neurotransmitters, fighting the symptoms of depression and melancholy. essential bitter orange is a natural calming, relaxes the soul and brings back a sense of widespread well-being, allowing the recovery of lost energy, has an energizing and invigorating action.

To be integrated with those already mentioned. Let me know
I wanted to ask Doctor Vizzinisi how long it takes to generally see improvements using essential oils. And then, since my daughter would prefer topical use, what are the best points for correct use. Thank you

Carar Elisa essential oils, most I recommend to take them as if they were Bach flowers, then use internally and preferably under the tongue and to add a few drops in herbal teas, you can make a bottle with a mix of oils if you prefer to take them (bitter orange, bergamot, geranium and lemon) As for topical use, I would accompany it to internal use to have a more immediate effect. I also recommend spreading them with the essential oil diffuser. Carrot oil can be safely used locally by massaging it into the solar plexus and heart.

As for the improvements, the use made of them counts a lot, patients who have used them have found improvements in a short period of time, using them both internally, spreading them in the environment and also as a topical use.
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