Muffins without sugar or flour, with only 3 ingredients

Muffins without sugar or flour, with only 3 ingredients

These sugar-free, flour-free muffins are super easy to make and only have 3 ingredients. They are obviously cooked in the oven, and one of the 3 ingredients can be customized (I’ll give you some other ideas) as long as you respect the doses. The ingredients are for about 12 small or 10 large muffins.
The calories are about 50 for large muffins, about forty for small ones.

– 2 medium-sized very ripe bananas (about 20 cm of fruit)
– 4 medium-sized organic eggs
– about 125 grams of red fruits of all kinds ,
which can be replaced by pear cut into chunks, grapes without seeds, from dehydrated fruit or hazelnuts / sliced ​​almonds / pistachios or from drops / pieces of dark chocolate. In these last three cases, watch out for the portions! Do not exceed 30 grams in total and count ten to twenty extra calories per muffin.
Cinnamon, grated lemon zest, various spices for those who want to customize.

Procedure for making sugar-free muffins:
Mash (and do not blend with a blender !!!) the two ripe bananas, until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add the eggs one at a time, mix and possibly customize with spices to taste or citrus peel. Wash and dry the fruit (in the case of the pear cut it into pieces, ditto for the dehydrated fruit) and place a teaspoon on the base of each muffin cup or mold previously greased or sprayed with spray oil, even light. Then pour the mixture on top in spoonfuls, making sure that it does not exceed two thirds of each mold.
In the oven for 12 minutes at 185 °. Perfect for breakfast.

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