Mira Calton’s Micronutrient Diet

Mira Calton’s Micronutrient Diet

The-micronutrient-miracleMira Calton owes her fitness and above all her health to her diet: well-being and health expert, Mira wrote a book with her husband, a nutritionist, in which she reveals the golden rules for losing weight and never getting it back. fight various ailments and improve your health, strengthen muscles and bones, have more beautiful skin and look younger. Mira and Jayson Calton call this diet “The miracle of micronutrients”: according to what they say, the diet does not count only macronutrients, ie ensuring a balanced dose of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (and fibers). No. Equally important are the micronutrients, that is all those substances such as vitamins and mineral salts that allow us a good metabolism and above all good health.

Even science agrees with this theory: to date, in fact, we know that a lack of micronutrients causes overweight, and according to Mira Calton, it was also the basis of her serious health problems, which at thirty had condemned her to leaving work, home and breaking up with her boyfriend due to severe premature osteoporosis, for which she seemed doomed to take life-long drugs. But the problem, according to Mira, was the diet : coffee and fat-free brioche, salad for lunch with chicken, a dinner made of take away or a first course taken from a rotisserie for dinner. Few fruit, few vegetables other than frozen or packaged ones from shops.
The result was: a tendency to overweight, endless health problems. Mira would solve it all with the help of the man who would later become her husband, Dr. Calton. The two developed a micronutrient diet, rich in fruit and vegetables and organic products that would restore Mira’s health .
But what if we wanted to learn more and try to imitate her example? Here are the rules

1) Buy organic products or products of proven origin: 
 buy from the vegetable garden of your trusted farmer or organic, but avoid pesticides at all costs.
2) Do not buy : packaged vegetables, already washed and bagged; frozen foods; canned or canned legumes and vegetables. They are low in micronutrients and are not fresh.
3) Cook green leafy vegetables : do not eat kale, cabbage, spinach and other green leafy vegetables (other than lettuce and salads) raw. Always prefer cooking, because it inactivates the antinutrients typical of these vegetables, including oxalic acid.
4) Don’t eat precooked foods. See point 2.
5) Add real milk to the coffee:do not drink black coffee, but always drink it with a little milk, be it cow or goat, but not vegetable milk. Mira confirms that cheeses and dairy products enrich us with calcium and, in latte, mitigate the dispersive effect of calcium typical of coffee alone.
6) Do not drink wine during meals: according to Mira, wine should be drunk before or after meals, never during, due to the tannins, which inhibit the absorption of micronutrients. And it must be quality or organic. 7) Soak whole grains and legumes, and if you can make them sprout

According to Mira, whole grains and legumes should not be eaten unless they have been soaked in hot / lukewarm water and rinsed frequently. It would be better to repeat the operation for two / three days until they sprout. In this way, they lose antinutrients such as saponins which inhibit the absorption of micronutrients.
8) Buy local: do not buy fruit and vegetables that come from who knows where, because during the journey and during storage they lose their micronutrients.


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