Midnight snacks, what to eat?

Midnight snacks, what to eat?


Let’s say you are like me, that at midnight I get hungry, taking into account that I have dinner quite early and that I go to bed quite late .

Snacking at midnight is a hard habit to break, literally addicting. Supporters of the chronodiet and the importance of the biological clock say that eating late in the evening disrupts our circadian rhythms and should absolutely be avoided.

Other nutritionists say instead that a meal an hour before or an hour and a half before bed is a great way to calm stress and get the body ready for sleep without distractions, such as the distraction of the “craving of something “or of hunger. Now: Let’s say you too can’t go to bed without a midnight snack.

What to eat?

The theories are many and the risk of gaining weight by eating things we cannot control ourselves is absolutely legitimate.

Also, there is no point in leaving enough space after dinner to risk eating a third or a quarter of your daily calories. But resisting hunger and not eating and then going to bed and thinking about breakfast doesn’t make as much sense, it generates stress and can make us fat more than eating something. And so we return to the starting point. What to eat?
Let’s see it together.

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