Menopause, remedies … and breast cancer
Good morning, my name is Elena. About 12 years ago I was operated on for breast cancer, which tested positive for hormone receptors. Now, at 52, I am entering menopause and experiencing many of the symptoms: in particular, hot flashes (which cause awakening and difficulty in falling asleep), vaginal dryness, difficulty in intercourse / low sex drive, anxiety and mood swings, fatigue , etc. I am taking black cohosh tablets which, after a period of seeming to bring about improvement in symptoms, now seem to have no effect. Apart from that, can you advise me which are the remedies I could use that can help me? Someone advised me to take MACA tablets or borage oil. My gynecologist has no expertise in natural remedies and, when in doubt, not taking positions (and not believing in natural therapies, ed) is unable to help me. Your opinion would be of great help to me since, I realize, I am facing this inevitable change in my life very badly. Thanks in advance!
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