Menokal, the supplements for weight loss

Menokal, the supplements for weight loss

Menokal is a line of products from Farmaderbe that offers various solutions for slimming. After some readers and even some friends told me they saw him recommend in herbal medicine, the question arises: do Menokal products make you lose weight? And, a corollary but not insignificant question: are they safe for health? For me the answer is nì.
Now I’ll explain: Menokal weight loss supplements use a mix of substances to theoretically perform a triple action . Improve carbohydrate metabolism, improve lipid metabolism, reduce caloric intake (through some fibers).

In one product in particular it is written that a tablet would be able to reduce calories by up to 500 per meal ( source: the  manufacturer’s website): something in my opinion risky, which is not demonstrable. Not 500 calories saved as in traditional low-calorie diets, but up to 1500 calories per day. It means that we can eat 2500 calories and it would be like eating only 1000. If you think that this may be the case, eat 2500 calories a day divided into 3 meals, and before each meal take one tablet. If it is true that Menokal cuts 500 calories per meal, then you should lose one pound per week while still eating 2500 calories per day. Try it.
(Actually, writing “up to 500 calories” means it can save a range of calories from 1 to 500. Even ten calories become “up to 500 calories”).

It must also be said that the list of ingredients  of these products contains some that according to one of the most accurate researches that have been done, this one from 2004 , are ineffective for weight loss, and others that, for the data collected, they are not yet capable of effective scientific validity, because other studies on the subject are lacking. Here is a diagram that collects the results of the study (source: Bodybuilding Natural).

Among those ineffective or about which little is known, present in Menokal: Gymnema leaves, L-carnitine and chromium, Bitter orange, Piper nigrum and piperine, Garcinia, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Green Coffee, Choline. 
On the other hand, fiber complexes are effective, while the rest, some vitamins or amino acids and other enzymes that promote digestion, are complementary and not the main ingredients. The effectiveness of green tea and caffeine remains , but I don’t think you can get such great thermogenesis results, causing your body to burn so much in one meal.
So, in summary, how do we deal with these products?If they recommend them, we can try them, but beware of the exciting substances that promote thermogenesis: if you experience nausea, tachycardia, fatigue, hyperexcitability, nervousness, insomnia, avoid these products, even if they have natural extracts. And a dispassionate advice is to talk to your doctor first: not only for the MenoKal products, but on all the weight loss supplements you intend to take. The fact that they are sold in herbal medicine does not mean that they are suitable for everyone, nor that they are candy!


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