Men, to lose weight you need a woman!

Men, to lose weight you need a woman!

Men who want to lose weight have a better chance of doing so if they live with a woman, especially their partner.

This is what a study conducted by the University of Aberdeen affirms, which confirms what was already known about the success rates of a diet if it is done with a partner. But research conducted by Dr. Sheela Tripathee reveals more about the male and female genders.

In fact, it seems that men who live with a woman who supports them find it easier to lose weight than to follow the diet alone.
The differences between men living with a woman and single men following the same diet were very significant.

In fact, the male participants who lived in pairs were all straight. Therefore, there is no information on same-sex cohabiting couples, it can be assumed that the same thing would happen.
Therefore, joking title aside, it is not so much a question of gender of the partner (male or female) as in living with someone who cares and supports us.

In fact, it was seen that those who lived with their partner were generally more motivated to follow the diet and physical activity program recommended by the researchers. On the contrary, those who lived alone tended to stray more, or not to follow all the advice.

Added to this is the fact that the weight loss program was aimed at people who were interested in playing sports.
So if a man is not inclined to follow sports activities, it is more likely that having a partner by his side is absolutely decisive for losing weight.

But what kind of help have men got from their wives or partners?


Basically, the big difference was noticed both in the greater attention to shopping healthy, which was in line with the foods indicated in the diet, and in having a hand in the kitchen, in the preparation of dishes.

All the cohabiting or married participants also admitted that living with someone who followed them also had a psychologically positive impact.

This also means that dieticians and nutritionists should spend more time with single men (or women) to make sure they follow dietary guidelines. And that they do not feel discouraged by changes in physical and dietary routines.
If, on the other hand, they have patients living with a partner, they should try to involve him in the weight loss of these patients.

What if we are lonely hearts instead? The best thing in this case remains to find yourself an accomplice. A friend or family member who is helpful both for practical matters and in moments of despair.

In the past, for example, I reported the news of this beautiful story, of a severely obese boy who was helped to lose weight by a friend he met online, with whom he felt only at a distance. The man lost 180 kilos thanks to this friendly voice. 

On the contrary, the opposite situation can obviously happen.
People who are demoralized by friends and partners, for reasons of envy or jealousy. A phenomenon that also has a name: friends who row against are called ” frenemies ” (something like friend-enemies).
Read more on how to avoid false friends to be successful on the diet. 

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