Magnesium diet: menu to lose 8 kg per month
A “magnesium diet” has been around for some time, capable of losing 6 kg in 2 weeks thanks to foods rich in magnesium. But will it be true? Dcomedieta explains everything you need to know about this new trend.
In Italy, the magnesium diet was proposed by a special issue of Riza magazine: if you want the Italian version, you can buy the magnesium diet with the dedicated issue here.
The original version of the diet, however, is American, and was created by a doctor who is an expert in magnesium therapy.
Below you will find the original menu, which allows you to lose 8 kg in one month.

But why magnesium, you will ask yourself?
Magnesium is an important mineral for our health. Participates in 300 biochemical reactions of the body. It is necessary to maintain good muscle mass and to keep blood sugar and blood pressure low. Taken in the evening it induces sleep and relaxation. Furthermore, together with potassium, it reduces blood pressure and is important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, with a positive effect on cholesterol and triglycerides.
In 2003, Dr. Mildred Seelig wrote a book on the correlation between magnesium and health, entitled ” The Magnesium factor ” (the magnesium factor), where she stressed that many people today are deficient in magnesium.
And that in particular a magnesium deficiency is found in obese people.
In short, if you want to do a magnesium diet and at the same time want to focus on rapid weight loss, Dcomedieta comes to your aid. Let’s look at Dr. Seelig’s original magnesium diet.
With this diet you lose 7 to 8 kg per month. The rapid weight loss is due to a diet with limited carbohydrates but rich in foods containing magnesium and potassium. Therefore it is a very purifying diet.
It is essential to follow the integration and all the advice but be careful: it is very important to avoid reducing the salt to a minimum , trying to use it as always to personal taste. Also, ask your doctor for advice before following your diet or taking supplements.
Magnesium diet menu
Before breakfast.
A glass of 100% natural Moringa tea , cold, warm or hot without sugar.
Coffee or tea of your choice + 200 ml of skim or soy milk with a teaspoon of germ (oat or wheat) or rapé coconut flour + 30 grams of All Bran cereals and a level teaspoon of honey or molasses. Alternatively: 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt with 2 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa and a teaspoon of honey or molasses, unsweetened coffee or tea + 10 grams of pumpkin seeds or almonds. Prefer honey molasses. You can find it from the bio.
180 ml of organic apple juice or orange juice or a prickly pear or a kiwi or half an orange + 5 grams of extra dark chocolate.
- 3 times a week : 50 grams of millet, quinoa, bulgur, buckwheat or wholemeal pasta with vegetables of your choice or simple sauce, a level teaspoon of oil. A plate of raw spinach with lemon juice or alternatively just blanched beets or artichoke hearts or bean sprouts or sorrel or borage, or salad with lemon juice or a portion of rocket with lemon juice.
As an alternative to cereals or pasta, 60 grams of wholemeal bread that you can stuff with vegetables and a 10-gram slice of cheese. - 4 times a week: 160 grams of boiled legumes favoring beans, chickpeas, soy, lentils or 200 grams of fresh peas. You can enjoy these legumes in soup with a teaspoon of tomato paste or in salads, with mixed salads or raw vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, rocket. A teaspoon of oil.
A decoction of fennel seeds at the end of a meal, without sugar with 10 grams of extra dark chocolate.
Between lunch and snack we do twenty minutes of bodyweight physical activity or yoga or 30 minutes of brisk walking.
125 grams of low-fat soy yogurt with a teaspoon of chia seeds or almond butter (satin) + stevia. Alternatively, a seasonal fruit of your choice: if sugary, 100 grams. If semi-sweet like peach or apple 150 grams. If sour like citrus 180 grams. Melon or watermelon: 200 grams.
In addition: 1 tablet of MAGNESIUM AND POTASSIUM .
A plate of broccoli, spinach, chicory, chard, asparagus, artichoke or mixed green salad with a level teaspoon of oil.
Plus the protein meal as explained below.
3 times a week: 125 grams of cod or 150 grams of octopus or alternatively 80 grams of natural mackerel / smoked salmon or tempeh (fermented soy cheese) or 100 grams of natural tofu.
In the remaining three days: 100 grams of buffalo or sheep ricotta or two medium eggs.
Once a week: buckwheat pizza or alternatively half margherita pizza with wholemeal dough.
25 grams of toasted wholemeal bread or a small fruit of your choice of 100 grams except on pizza day.
A decoction of fennel seeds at the end of a meal, without sugar.
Before going to bed: 180 ml of skimmed or soy milk without additives + 2 capsules of Magnesium Chelate L Threonate.
Optional. Take a bath or shower with a product with Epsom salts such as Epsom Salts Nortembio.
During the day: drink at least one and a half liters of water in which we have dissolved a measuring cup of aloe vera juice.
Maintenance : in maintenance we can replace the cereals with 60 grams of wholemeal pasta or brown rice or 70 grams of bread and add an extra teaspoon of oil at dinner. We can also plan a free meal during the week and a free first course OR a small dessert on Sunday.
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