Madonna’s macrobiotic diet

Madonna’s macrobiotic diet

dietamadonnaAccording to the Observer, the macrobiotic diet that for years ago Madonna beats the paleodieta and many other disposable diets, which in America they call “fad diets”: a healthy diet, with attention to nutritional principles, quality and derivation natural food such as that of the macrobiotic diet, has undoubted advantages both on body weight (Madonna weighs less than fifty kilos, she likes it very lean, as she herself said in an interview), and on well-being. Stars of the caliber of Scarlett Johannson would have started following the macrobiotic diet as the only diet for life, reaping benefits for skin, hair, mood, muscle tone and general health, as well as strictly slimming benefits. Of course, it is not a newborn diet, but it is a diet that has been carried on for millennia in some oriental cultures (Japan, Buddhist monks: the diet was developed by Yukikazu Sakurazawa inspired by these models) and in the last few decades it had already converted the international star system despite having landed in the West in the early twentieth century: John Lennon for example followed a macrobiotic diet.It is difficult to summarize in two words what it means to do a macrobiotic diet: compared to the Paleo diet that is in fashion now, and which focuses the diet on a massive consumption of meat, the macrobiotic diet revolves around the consumption of whole and natural foods. .
Our nourishment according to the principles of macrobiotics must aim at the balance of two contrasting forces, Yin and Yang, with which foods are also classified (acid / alkaline foods). Clearly, those who embrace the macrobiotic diet do not do it either to lose weight or for health reasons only, but to createdo: it means to follow a philosophy of life, and above all to believe in it. Being a skeptic by nature, I cannot speak to you in favor of the macrobiotic diet, because I do not believe in the discourse of combining foods according to their yin or their yang and I am not in favor of the alkaline diet either. However, those who follow a macrobiotic diet generally have a very healthy lifestyle, while some more criticism goes to those who follow the Paleo: the macrobiotic is a health-conscious who eats abundant doses of fruit, vegetables, whole foods, lots of fiber ; he is on a low fat diet. Those who follow a macrobiotic diet, for example, do not even know what high cholesterol is, and stay away from anything artificial or industrial, because he eats natural foods, produced from the earth: no sugar or sweets, very little meat, little alcohol, almost no salt and coffee. Many cereals, sprouts, legumes. A practically vegetarian diet, with frequent consumption of fish for carnivores.

Making a macrobiotic diet is not impossible but not easy either: while Madonna has chefs who prepare her dishes , the housewife from Voghera (with more sympathy for her than for the singer on my part) would have some headaches in preparing food, not both for availability and for their combination: tofu, seaweed and miso soups can also be eaten for breakfast!
So? So, if we do not want to convert to the macrobiotic diet, we must however make a consideration: if we are looking for a diet that is not only slimming but also beneficial on health and anti-aging , we must limit the consumption of animal proteins as much as possible, or rather, prefer fish with meat, vegetable cheeses with dairy products, flours and wholemeal cereals with white and refined ones. We will not be like Madonna, but certainly a healthy and integral approach, as well as substantially vegetarian (or pescovegetarian) continues to have confirmation from doctors as one of the best food plans to live well and for a long time!

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