Maderoterapia: the Manuel Casado method
From nature an effective ally for psychophysical well-being: wood in Maderoterapia

Maderoterapia and its origins
Maderotherapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses wooden instruments to stimulate every area of the body without causing tissue damage. Thanks to its high draining and relaxing effect, it manages to obtain visible results from the first session. Perfect for treating every part of the body by working on the nervous system, generating tranquility, emotional well-being in a perfect simultaneous action between body, mind and spirit. Where did it come from? Its origin is lost in the mists of time. In the oriental tradition it was typical to use in the various types of massages (Tuina, Thai Massage, etc.) tools to help obtain a better result. Stones, bamboo and wood were the materials with which they were made and still today they are all elements easily available in nature and which contain vibrations that are in harmony with us and the earth. This use of wood is deepened and studied today by the one who was the pioneer in Colombia, Wilson Patino, who teaches this technique throughout South America where today it is very well known and used. Just type the word Maderoterapia into Google to understand how widespread this technique is overseas and instead semi-unknown in Europe.
Where can I learn Maderoterapia?
The Taogarden School with the trademarks registered in Italy and Spain and with a methodology studied and developed by the master Manuel Casado Pulido, can teach you the use of these tools which in addition to bringing a great result for those who receive it brings a considerable benefit. to the operator. By reducing the work on the hands and body, it allows the operator himself to be able to carry out pressure and manual movements that would not be possible with the hands alone, also accelerating the result on the recipient. Together with the massage performed with the Maderoterapia technique, a good massage performed with the hands must always be present as a basis, which prepares the body to receive the various tools to obtain the most varied results according to the needs of those who receive it.
What materials are the tools used by Taogarden made of
As indicated by the Spanish term “Madeira”, the instruments are made of wood, precisely beech wood, handcrafted and treated with ecological impregnating agents. They are products totally free from petrochemical solvents, acrylic, vinyl, alkyd resins and biocides. The impregnating agent is formulated exclusively with natural raw materials, vegetable and essential oils, vegetable resins, beeswax, colored earths and have pleasant and basalt fragrances.
The maderoterapia
It uses multiple tools giving a good alternative for the pursuit of achieving well-being and health. Being natural elements, they provide a pleasant sensation thanks to the characteristics of wood which is a renewable, recyclable, ecological and biodegradable element which in nature absorbs carbon dioxide and restores oxygen.
The benefits.
Improves blood circulation Regulates lymphatic circulation Tones and firms the skin Improves the production of elastin, vit. E and collagen; all substances essential for good skin quality and which tend to be lost over the years Stimulates and reactivates the nervous system Strengthens the recipient’s psychomotor response Improves muscle tone Prevents the appearance of cellulite Promotes relaxation and regulates energy centers Improves breathing Strengthens the immunological system Reduces localized fat Oxygenates tissues Increases flexibility Creates perfect energy between the mind,
SMOOTH ROLLER: It allows to activate the circulatory system and the lymphatic system; it stimulates the peripheral nervous system causing considerable relaxation. In reduction treatments it helps to eliminate the adiposity present in the superficial layers of the epidermis.
TOOTHED ROLL: Activates the circulatory system, the lymphatic system and stimulates the peripheral nervous system. In reduction treatments it facilitates the removal of the adiposity of the epidermis to a deeper layer than the smooth roller.
ROLL WITH 4 NUTS: Suitable for waist, hips, hips and abdomen Reduces body mass.
Eliminates lipodystrophies.
Fighting cellulite and fibrosis.
Eliminates lipodystrophies.
Fighting cellulite and fibrosis.
Eliminates lipodystrophies.
Fighting cellulite and fibrosis.
MODELING TABLE: Ideal for toning and shaping the most difficult areas of the body and redefining the figure. It has a toning action on the skin due to the traction made by the board. It deeply drains the fat removed from the adipocytes towards the nearest lymphatic stations. It facilitates the return circulation and greatly helps in solving edema problems.
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