Lower cholesterol without drugs: here’s how

Lower cholesterol without drugs: here’s how

Lowering cholesterol without drugs is possible in the presence of a mild hypercholesterolemia that does not lead to pathology. Obviously, before resorting to a natural “therapy” built on the basis of a balanced diet and healthy physical movement, leaving aside the drugs completely, it is mandatory to consult your general practitioner , who will express his opinion on the matter.

Why high cholesterol is dangerous

Underestimating hypercholesterolemia is very dangerous because it is the number one cause of cardiovascular disease. An excess of bad cholesterol in the blood, if prolonged over time, can lead to an obstruction of the arteries , thus causing heart attacks, strokes or other diseases related to the cardiovascular system. In short, a problem not to be underestimated especially if you find yourself in the presence of risk factors such as heredity or metabolic diseases .

A diet rich in saturated fats , a sedentary lifestyle and an incorrect lifestyle are also elements that can contribute to raising cholesterol levels. Changing your habits is essential for lowering cholesterol without drugs.

Danacol for lowering cholesterol

In recent years, the functional drink Danacol has gained a foothold on the market , based on fermented skimmed milk and added with plant sterols .

Phytosterols, or the plant sterols mentioned above, are molecules that counteract bad cholesterol , thus helping to reduce blood levels.

Clinical tests carried out on the drink have shown that, if taken regularly for at least three weeks and immediately after the main meal , cholesterol in the circulation is reduced in a completely natural way.

Obviously it is good to specify that Danacol alone is not enough . Its intake must always take place in the presence of a balanced diet , which limits the amount of saturated fat ingested to a minimum, and good physical activity.

Other foods to lower cholesterol

To lower cholesterol without drugs, as mentioned above, it is good to completely eliminate or in any case limit the intake of saturated fats a lot. Present in offal, sausages, dairy products, eggs and red meats, it is not difficult to find them also in packaged snacks and snacks .

Green light to seasonal fruit and vegetables , even better if broccoli, Brussels sprouts or cabbage which also contain plant sterols. And again: yes to white meats , blue fish (also rich in Omega 3) and cereals.

In short, a varied diet that will allow you to lower cholesterol, gaining health for the whole organism.

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