Low carb coconut and chocolate cake with cocoa glaze

Low carb coconut and chocolate cake with cocoa glaze

Today I made this coconut cake , suitable for those on a low carb / ketogenic diet, that is a diet low in sugar and high in fat: it has no sugar, is rich in good medium-chain fats of coconut, and rich of antioxidants from bitter dark chocolate and cocoa; rich in fiber. A slice of coconut cake, including cocoa glaze, equals 275 calories with just 2 grams of net carbs. The fats are higher, but not exaggerated: consider that it has 23 grams per serving, about 13 grams LESS than a slice of tiramisu and the same as a traditional cheesecake.
Perfect for breakfast, with a cup of tea or coffee, it is ideal for those suffering from constipation: coconut fats in fact regularize the intestines of those who are constipated (yes, it’s a little curiosity), and the fiber content is interesting.

The flavor of this coconut cake is very full-bodied and will take away your hunger for sweet. Absolutely suitable for chocolate lovers! Under the recipe.

Ingredients for 8 servings. 
for the base
100 gr of 99% dark chocolate
200 ml of coconut milk type Fior di Loto or Rapunzel (with minimum 60% coconut milk)
50 ml of sparkling water
50 gr of organic coconut flour type Fior di Loto or Probios
50 gr of rapé coconut
4 organic eggs
40 gr of Truvia
15 gr of coconut oil or butter alternatively or peanut oil or olive oil delicate taste
a teaspoon of xanthan gum powder
a pinch of salt

for the glaze
35 gr of bitter cocoa
80 ml of water
a teaspoon of Truvia
15 gr of coconut or olive oil or seeds

optional decoration:
15 gr of rapé coconut to sprinkle on the surface

Procedure: in a saucepan bring the coconut milk to the boil. Turn off at the first boil, pour in the chopped 99% dark chocolate, stir until it melts, add the coconut oil, and after five minutes, the eggs one at a time, stirring quickly. Separately, in a bowl, mix the two flours with the powdered xanthan gum, a pinch of salt, the Truvia. Add the mixture of coconut milk, eggs and chocolate, mix well and finally the sparkling water (about a quarter of a glass). Transfer the mixture to a round pan with a diameter of 20 cm, lined with parchment paper, and bake in the oven at 175 ° for about 35 minutes.
Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool completely, then turn it out onto a serving dish (you can also use a springform pan). Prepare the glaze: in a bowl, mix the coconut or olive oil with the bitter cocoa, the Truvia and the water, until you get a smooth and full-bodied cream, which you will use for the covering. Set aside.
Pour the icing in an even layer over the cake. Sprinkle with the rapé coconut (optional) and keep in the fridge until ready to serve.
Nutritional values ​​for a portion including glaze: 
Kcal 275; total carbohydrates: 6.25, of which net: 2.25 (four grams of fiber); proteins: 7 grams; fat: 23 grams.


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