Love on WhatsApp: this is how an app destroys couples

Love on WhatsApp: this is how an app destroys couples


How many couples have had problems with WhatsApp? What are the pitfalls of this love affair app? Let’s see how WhatsApp has (negatively) affected love.

WhatsaApp is an extraordinary application that has revolutionized the way people communicate . Distances no longer exist. We are always connected, always in contact with billions of other users around the world. Messages, photos, videos, audio notes. A few clicks are enough and we can share thoughts, emotions or information with previously unthinkable speed. Still, there are drawbacks . Even WhatsApp , in fact, has its “problems”. One of the most relevant concerns love, or rather, couple relationships, increasingly conditioned by the use of this instant messaging application.

If on the one hand, in fact, thanks to WhatsApp, partners can stay connected 24 hours a day (and already on this one could discuss whether it is a positive thing or not), on the other hand WhatsApp can backfire against couples and be a source of betrayal . and destruction of relationships.

Since WhatsApp has existed, many loves have ended due to a betrayal born, and then “discovered”, on this app. WhatsApp is a dream come true for many people, but a nightmare for others. For who? For the jealous, in fact, and for the traitors (at least in part).

“How many people have become unfaithful and how many families have been destroyed by WhatsApp? – declared the bishop of Lima in a recent speech on the subject – I do not consider myself antiquated, but someone must tell the truth . How many people become unfaithful through WhatsApp? Suspicious encounters with another woman, another man, all anonymous, ”said Juan Luis Cipriani.

# 1. Couples crisis, the fault of WhatsApp?

Couples crisis, the fault of WhatsApp?

There is no official data on the subject (the alleged articles that speak of 30 million couples destroyed by WhatsApp are nothing more than a hoax), but just look around and it is not difficult to realize how dangerous WhatsApp can be for a pair.

Some might argue that the same is being betrayed , both with and without WhatsApp. That might be true, but an analogy raises some doubts. The speech is similar to that relating to the legality of the possession of weapons . It is true that whoever wants to kill the same, whether the weapons are legal (as in the US) or not (as in Italy). But are we sure that the fact that anyone who can own a weapon doesn’t increase the number of murders?

An average point of view might argue that the betrayal is independent of WhatsApp , but thanks to this application it is easier to put it into action and realize it. And, moreover, it could highlight pre-existing criticalities of the relationship that would otherwise remain hidden.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that with WhatsApp it is easier to discover a betrayal.

#2. The stages of love on WhatsApp and its problems

When a love is born , WhatsApp is on our side, helping us to win a boy or girl we like. If you are a little shy , certainly this application can help you say things that you would not have the courage to say in presence. But there is more. “While you wait for an answer, imagination and desire are fueled ,” explained Francesc Mosteo Nunez, director of the Bachelor of Humanities at the UOC, in an article.

The desire that generates waiting for the response to a message on WhatsApp helps spark love . “This joy is part of the appeal of this application,” adds the expert. A call home was expected 20 years ago. 10 years a call or a text message on the mobile. 5 years ago an email or a message in the Hotmail chat. Today there is WhatsApp.

So far, so good. But it is precisely when the couple reaches a certain emotional stability that the first problems with WhatsApp can occur . What used to be seeing a movie together has now become a moment of solitude on the sofa. You’re trying to watch the movie while your other half gets lost on their smartphone screen.

Added to this is the so-called ” double control syndrome “, which concerns the ticks and the possibility of knowing when a message has been sent and read. How many arguments could have been avoided if this option had never existed? Not surprisingly, after some time from its introduction, WhatsApp allows users to disable double checking, although not on all devices.

The point is that WhatsApp enforces hyper-connection . Contacts expect an immediate response to messages. It doesn’t matter if you are at work, playing sports or at a funeral. The answer must be immediate. And if a relationship enters this vortex, controversy is inevitable.

# 3. WhatsApp and betrayals, the couple breaks out

Finally, we move on to betrayal. Cheating, thanks to WhatsApp, is easier than ever. Old flames are found , anyone can advance their “proposal” at a distance and without being intrusive and, even more importantly, they come forward without “putting their face to it” , a peculiarity that has given courage to millions of Latin lovers who have left uncovered.

The other side of the matter is the possibility of getting caught . Cheating has always existed, but since cheating on WhatsApp the chances of getting caught are much higher. There could be many examples. We used to meet secretly in safe places, and then make a new appointment. Today the escapades are agreed via message on WhatsApp, and if you forget to delete the traces, the risks of being discovered are very high.

You forget the phone in the bedroom while taking a shower, and your partner decides to take a look – casual or not, it depends – on your messages. If you haven’t erased every trace, the couple breaks out.

Or again. In the middle of the night, while you are with your partner on the sofa, your cell phone rings. A message has arrived on WhatsApp. “ Who writes to you at 3 am? ”He asks,“ let me see ”. He is the lover, and you have no more escape. You agreed not to write to each other on WhatsApp to avoid these situations, but she couldn’t resist and now it’s your turn to be able to get yourself out of this mess, a feat – now – almost impossible.

# 4. So how to manage the use of WhatsApp in love?

Several psychologists have intervened on the matter, and all generally agree that the real problem is not WhatsApp , but the relationship itself. Building a healthy relationship will avoid all kinds of problems.

On the other hand, if you cannot avoid cheating, it is better to block that contact , and avoid talking to him via message on WhatsApp. Of course, there is always the risk that he will write to you from another phone number. But by agreeing, driven by the common will to keep the relationship secret, you shouldn’t run into problems with your partner.

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