Losing weight right away, here are the tricks

Losing weight right away, here are the tricks

In this article we will look at some of the most effective tricks for rapid weight loss , around a kg or two per week.

I divide them according to individual needs and preferences: if you have difficulty getting sated, if you have a sweet tooth, if you love soups, if you have to deflate more than lose fat, if you are a fan of herbal teas.
Here are the most popular tricks to lose weight right away.


  1. Victim of a considerable appetite.

    reduce appetite

    In this case, I recommend the volumetric diet trick . What’s it about? In increasing the volume of dishes with low-calorie foods, especially vegetables. For example, snack all day with fennel and raw cucumbers or carrots, for breakfast start with a sugar-free fruit salad, for lunch and dinner with a fresh salad or a plate of cooked vegetables. These small expedients together with the combinations with highly satiating foods allow rapid weight loss without making you feel hungry.

  2. A lover of soups.

    Start every meal with the slimming broth, a recipe of oriental origins. It satisfies and allows you to speed up digestion and metabolism. I’m talking about it here. Otherwise download my free guide on soups for weight loss. 

  3. Swollen / a.

    If you feel bloated and suffer from water retention, you can try the Japanese water trick or the deflating diet .

  4. Lover of herbal teas.

    lose weight right away here are the tricks


    There are many teas and herbal teas with slimming action, such as oolong tea or green tea, but if you want more targeted advice, this herbal tea expert explains how to use them for weight loss.

  5. Constipated or irregular.

    Similar to the volumetric diet is the fiber diet , which consists of eating foods that are high in fiber at each meal. If, on the other hand, your problems stem from irritable bowel, see here how to defeat the irritable bowel associated with constipation. 

  6. Greedy / a.


    psychological tricks to eat less


    Being greedy and going on a diet is always seen as an oxymoron, almost as if it is impossible for those with a sweet tooth to find gratification in a weight loss diet. Instead it is not like that.
    Try this dietician’s greedy diet, choosing between salty or sweet bonuses. 

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