Losing weight like a champion: the anti-diet program

Losing weight like a champion: the anti-diet program

It is called Slimming by Champions, and it is a program that has lasted for ten years, conceived by Walter Fabrizio Lucchi, and which we can define as an anti-diet approach. Why anti-diet?

Why lose weight as a champion is a course based on mindful eating and NLP techniques , in which the person with weight problems is taught how to eat without being on a diet and how to naturally moderate at the table , how to defeat addiction to chronic diets and the yo-yo effect, how to re-establish a good relationship with food and yourself and how to abandon the obsession with food forever.

I will tell you, initially I was skeptical, not because these techniques do not work, on the contrary, but because I do not know Mr. Lucchi and above all I do not find his curriculum, so I imagine he is a self-taught and an independent researcher from what he himself writes : the point however it is not so much his training, since he explains that he has done years of courses and studied a lot, how much to ask himself, does it work?

I have seen some testimonies of people who have made it with Weight Loss by Champions. They have lost weight, become more positive, live better, no longer diet and have solved many health problems.

Lucchi does not use big words on his side but simple terms , sometimes a little too colloquial, but in essence the concepts are exactly those useful to make sure that anyone understands and puts into practice some rules to make peace with food, stop worrying balance, relate better to himself and others, and magically lose weight at the end of this journey with himself.

Losing weight as a champion is structured as follows: they punctually offer free mini-courses, with which you can already get results. If you are interested, there is a paid course organized by modules, from 60 or 90 euros.

On their fb page there are videos and live broadcasts.
There are no diets, no products to take, etc. It is the opposite: you will not be told what to eat and what not to. 

The course is optional , of course, and it’s true that they don’t chase you to ask you to sign up. You can very well do the free mini-course and then decide or limit yourself to that.

For more information the addresses are as follows:
The Facebook group of Slimming by Campioni
The site of Slimming by Campioni

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