Losing weight dancing at home: free videos

Losing weight dancing at home: free videos

Today I’m talking about a stimulating and fun activity to train at home, especially with results in terms of weight loss: that is dancing. You can lose weight by dancing at home, and today there are many dance programs available by subscription or in the form of DVDs. I had already talked about it with the Figure 8 program.

But this time let’s see how to lose weight by dancing at home for free.

First of all, I recommend that you do at least two sessions a day of twenty minutes or half an hour each, one in the afternoon and one in the morning to get the best results. The other thing to watch out for is not changing your diet, eating more or thinking about indulging in a few more snags: this option is good for those who want to train without losing weight, but it is to be avoided if you want to lose weight instead.

Losing weight by dancing without changing your diet allows you to burn about 150-200 calories at a minimum in half an hour, but there are also sessions that burn between 300 and 500 calories. So just by doing this activity one hour a day we can lose about 2 kilos to 3 kilos a month, especially in the legs, abdomen, thighs, toning the buttocks and thinning the arms.

In this article, I really offer you a lot of options!
One thing you often ask me: do I have to pay to see these videos?
No, but you must have an internet connection. The videos are on youtube and free.


Lose weight with Latin American dances



There is a channel called Stepflix where a Latin American dance teacher offers free 20-minute video lessons of salsa, samba and merengue. The channel is in English, but I ASSURE YOU just follow the steps and have fun. Very engaging and suitable for people who want to start dancing but are sedentary and impractical.
Click here for salsa lessons. Video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3. See the merengue lessons here. Video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3 . And here for the samba lessons. Video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3 .

In Italian,
 I point outthe video of American Latin dances to lose weight by Fitness at Home here .
There are several aerobics videos with music on the My Natural Life youtube page, one is this.
And finally the Energy videos of the Fitfix channel, also here you will find several: here is one. 

Lose weight by dancing zumba



Here, instead we have some very effective videos in Italian , which have been translated. These are half-hour workouts that are more intense than Latin American dances, with short sessions also for bodyweight exercises, for which you will need a mat. Strong by Zumba offers two quite intense workouts translated into Italian: video 1 , video 2 . But it’s the OneHowTo channel that offers more free half-hour zumba videos. See: video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3. Video 4.   

Dance mix for weight loss

Let’s say instead you want to experiment with other types of dance or vary. So let’s see some unique workouts to learn to dance and train at the same time. These can be integrated with the former, and are also very interesting.
For example three video lessons of less than 15 minutes of belly dancing. Video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3 .
Or three 30-45 minute lessons of hip pop. Video 1 . Video 2 . Video 3 .
And some cardio step lessons. One . Two . Three .



If, on the other hand, you chew a little English and are looking for rhythm and variety , I recommend the dance playlist of the Fitness Pop Sugar channel, which has the advantage of hosting several personal trainers, dance coaches and dancers. You can find it here .

And if you want to combine a diet to double your weight loss results, I recommend a moderate calorie diet, like this 1500 calorie diet. 

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