Losing 10 kg with better habits: less sedentary lifestyle

Losing 10 kg with better habits: less sedentary lifestyle

Here is the last article of today in the series ” Losing 10 kg with better habits “: I have already explained to you how improving your habits can make us lose even many kilos, here reviewing nutrition and here reviewing physical activity.
In this third article we will see how to burn more calories during the day, or how to reduce a sedentary lifestyle. But why is it so important to try to limit our incredible desire to be with our butt stuck to the sofa? Why do we still have to act on a sedentary lifestyle when maybe we train even three or four times in the gym? 

To answer this question, each of us must make a small examination of conscience: in the space of twenty-four hours, how much time do we spend idle or sitting ? So much, if for example we do an office job or do not carry out any particular work.

And if we spend time in bed (besides sleeping), or we don’t get up from the chair even when the phone rings, it is clear that those six hours a week of activity cannot affect our bad habits beyond a certain threshold.
Instead, it would be enough to make small daily gestures to be able to burn even one hundred or two hundred more calories in a day : this for example is what happens by increasing our NEAT , or that activity of thermogenesis (= calories burned) that is not caused by physical activity, but by an increase in some daily gestures.

For example: standing and pacing back and forth while talking on the phone. Take ten minute breaks every hour we are seated. If we do an office job, take part of the home-work route on foot, take the stairs on foot if we do not live on the ground floor, bring heavy shopping bags home without a car, do the cleaning while dancing, pass part walking, stretching several times during the day, getting up on tiptoe ten times a day for no reason and lengthening or shortening the pace and speed (I don’t mean you have to do Monty Python’s Wacky Leg Ministry , guys!), drum your fingers or feet beating time to the rhythm of the music.
Do you see how many things?
Of course, this Neat thing alone will not allow you to lose 10 kg, but to increase your energy expenditure a little during the day, creating a deficit that is not only achieved by cutting calories. I advise you to read the three articles and follow them as a whole to have this big, but absolutely feasible, result instead!

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