Losing 10 kg with better habits: diet

Losing 10 kg with better habits: diet

Can we lose 10 kg and even more without having a particular diet, but simply by improving our habits? Today I will explain how to lose 10 kg if you are heavily overweight, acting on three fundamental factors to improve your health. If you have a friend or relative who suffers from serious overweight problems, you can of course talk to him about it and recommend these “steps”, but I remind you that for any change in diet and physical activity, it is necessary to speak to your doctor.
What are these three fundamental factors? Diet. Activities. Sedentary lifestyle.
That is, to lose 10 kg we must improve our diet, do adequate physical activity, reduce our sedentary lifestyle.
Let’s start with the diet with this article. 

1) First of all it is always necessary to get an idea of ​​our total daily caloric needs and remember that if we are not already trying to lose weight and we do not come out of improvised calorie restrictions, losing weight will be easier. If, on the other hand, we have been at a thousand calories for a long time without results, it is necessary to do this food path that I will explain here , to return to having a good metabolism.
So these tips will work if we haven’t already cut calories.
2) Once we understand how much we need to eat to maintain our weight, we cut fifteen percent of calories to establish the right calorie deficit.It is no small thing if we do activities and reduce our sedentary lifestyle.

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