Losing 10 kg with better habits: activity

Losing 10 kg with better habits: activity

Losing 10 kg if you are heavily overweight is the dream of many people , even those who have clear ideas and hear all the bells. Many of you ask me which physical activity to do to lose weight. The answer is not immediate, because it also depends on what you mean by losing weight.
If you mean: burn more calories to establish a calorie deficit, you have half the truth in your pocket, which however could lead you to exaggerate with aerobic activity, the one that makes us burn more calories. And off to zumba courses, running, spinning, and so on, often doing multiple courses, meeting up in the gym even five or six times a week.

But exercising is not just about burning calories, quite the contrary.
If we put the body in a position to work hard and that’s it, we subject it to considerable stress, because between diet and activity the calorie deficit increases, and the body learns to burn less to avoid a strong weight loss. And so the metabolism slows down and the body, hunting for sugars, often takes it from muscle glycogen: therefore people who spend hours running run the risk of emptying themselves of lean mass, the most precious ( source ).

This prompts many people to be dissatisfied with their experience of physical activity, because they swell or lose weight after the first quick pound, and it enriches the pockets of unscrupulous people who make money by saying that physical activity makes you fat.
Exercising means improving our metabolism and our insulin sensitivity, enhancing lean mass. To do this, the best activities are those that revolve around the weight room ( source ). Finding a good personal trainer to follow us for training is a big plus for improving our health and losing weight. Those who are very overweight will lose weight quickly with the right physical activity.
Who has to lose 10 kg for example. Those who have a few pounds to lose, paradoxically, could put in more, precisely because the less body fat you have the more the body tries to keep it. 

And to burn calories? If the barbell three times a week seems to you a little (if you want other activities that develop the muscles, these can be swimming, crossfit or functional gymnastics, martial arts, etc .: make a meeting with a sports doctor if you have aches but want to take this path, and when choose a trainer be careful to find a qualified one. If you don’t seem to find one nearby, you can try the online coaching, here ) you can also try reducing sedentary lifestyle. In the next article I’ll explain how to burn more over the course of 24 hours!

(In the photo: Ernestine Sheperd is 80 years old and started training at 60. Today she is a bb who has inspired over 17,000 people with her story)

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