Lose weight without the gym (but with a more active life)
One of the problems for which our generation and future ones are gaining weight is physical inactivity : we are very sedentary and we have an abundant diet of industrial and refined food, which means that even when we eat little we end up eating little and gorging ourselves. of things that hurt us . Just these two things together would be enough to explain why most of us struggle with extra pounds. What to do? The solution is not to try to eat less, but to try to move more and more intelligently to break the routine of our sedentary life, introducing another routine, that of a more active life.
At the moment, after battling various enemies, gluten, carbohydrates, sugar. Americans, who boast one of the most obese populations in the world, have realized that every extra hour we spend sitting shortens our lives just like smoking. This is why they coined an expression, sitting is the new smoking, that is, sitting is the new vice (as smoking once was). In short, we have to move from our usual sedentary life to a habitual active life, and unfortunately the solution to improve this aspect of our life is really difficult to find and is not, alas, joining the gym or doing gymnastics.
Change our session: the first solution is to change chairs. Some companies have offered their employees “active chairs”. You can buy a Swedish ball and use it instead of a normal chair. Prices range from ten to twenty euros on Amazon. Inflate the ball and use it instead of the chair: you will be seated, but forced to constantly train your abs, back and legs, even with micro movements, to keep your balance. Walking barefoot: walking around the house with socks or barefoot burns more calories, and in general ensures a more articulate and “instructive” movement for legs, circulation and back, because it involves the muscles better. Whenever you are at home, say no to slippers. Often get up from your chair, take breaks on your feet, stand up in the means, etc .:
Use a stress ball: Buy balls or other stress reliever items. While you are working or every time you are on your stomach (watching TV, etc.) play with an anti-stress ball. You can also crush it with your feet, for example if you are stuck at your desk, Always keep it at hand and use it as usual: there are few movements (squeezing the object, crushing it, etc.) that allow you to burn calories. For example, you can tone your arms by squeezing it between both palms, for example if you are reading or watching a movie.
Buy yourself a rocking chair: this is also an idea of ​​an active chair, but cheaper. I don’t imagine you sitting on the Swedish ball while watching a movie, but swinging in a rocking chair or hammock makes you burn a lot more calories for very little money.
Using the vibrating car seat: This may be a joke, but the vibration of vibrating platforms, vibrating chairs and vibrating armchairs fight the relaxation and muscular inactivity of various sedentary situations, for example driving in a car. This one from Ariete costs only 60 euros and will turn your hours in the car into a spa.Â
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