Lose weight with wholemeal pasta: a list of types of pasta

Lose weight with wholemeal pasta: a list of types of pasta

integral pasAn intelligent or even informed person who has understood the trend of diets already knows this: in fact, there is no need for a degree to know that wholemeal pasta is good for you, and it is recommended more than normal for many reasons; it has a lower glycemic index than its traditional sister; it has more fiber and protein, it also has fewer calories.
It would be enough to change the pasta every day with wholemeal pasta to have benefits in terms of weight loss. Some of these can only be found in organic products, but remember one thing by now full-blown: the wholemeal pasta that you find on the market in supermarkets, with the big brands, are often poor wholemeal pastas, which only have the name of wholemeal. It would be enough to replace normal pasta with wholemeal one to lose weight and stay in better shape, as long as it is real wholemeal pasta and not those attempts at imitation you find at the supermarket. So the only one is to go to the bio, or in this article find a list of wholemeal pasta from the supermarket that is real wholemeal pasta. The integral De Cecco is excellent. Here are the types of wholemeal pasta that can be good for you, with calories and properties

Wholemeal pasta:
 organic wholemeal pasta is dark, tastes great and it does not overcook easily. it has almost thirty calories less than regular pasta. It is by far the healthiest and most convenient in terms of value for money.
Senatore Cappelli durum wheat pasta: it is a high quality pasta that you find marketed under various brands , often organic. It is created from a type of durum wheat that was spread in Italy by a senator, the Marquis Cappelli. It also exists in the integral variety. Needless to tell you which one to prefer, right?
Whole spelled pasta: same calories as pasta, to be tried only if you are sure that it is wholemeal, low glycemic index, it costs twice as much as wholemeal wheat pasta.
Buckwheat pasta: it is organic, costs three times the wholemeal one, is rich in vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts. Same calories as pasta. To try.
Hemp pasta: same price as the buckwheat one, a must try. 3o9 calories per 100 grams, 50 less than traditional, the use of hemp which is a protein flour, low glycemic index, source of amino acids. Great product.
Oat or rye paste:it is the pasta of those that I recommend that costs much more. A pack of 250 grams can go up to 4 euros. It is rich in fiber, ideal for those suffering from hypercholesterolemia (oat paste) or cardiovascular problems (rye paste).

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