Lose weight with this spice
I once wrote an article about the power of spices in our diet: chilli, paprika, ginger and cinnamon for example are useful spices when we want to lose weight even if for different reasons. On the one hand, all spicy spices allow us to stimulate thermogenesis , or burn more due to the fact that once we ingest spicy foods we raise our body temperature, and a metabolic effort is made to lower it to normal levels.
You have already heard of the trick of thermogenesis, obviously it also works with cold substances(the classic eight glasses of cold water to drink between meals to burn a few more calories). Other spices, on the other hand, such as cinnamon, contain particular substances that reduce blood sugar and fats, or fight cholesterol. Furthermore, the intoxicating aroma and flavor of spices completes the dish in a certain way , making us feel more satisfied precisely because they stimulate the senses, that is, they enhance the taste of the dishes and stimulate the sense of smell. For this reason, spices play a key role if you want to lose weight.
According to an article that appeared in the Women Health Magazine , in fact,cumin has incredible  slimming properties that emerged in a study published in  Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice . People who consumed cumin twice a day in the study lost weight more easily than those who ate the same diet without this spice. And not a little. The cumin made them lose an extra one / two kilos. Like cinnamon, cumin too would have anti-inflammatory properties, lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar at bay, hindering the sugar peaks that make us fat, because they recall too much insulin.
Obviously, the advice is not to overdo it, but to use more spices (turmeric, cumin, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, chilli) to give flavor to our dishes and have unexpected benefits. On the waistline.
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