Lose weight with Mességué’s one-day diet

Lose weight with Mességué’s one-day diet

According to the famous Marc Mességué, it is possible to lose weight by following a diet of one day a week and trying to observe a few rules the other six days, to avoid overstretching and thus ruining the results. In this way, almost two months of dieting are done in a year, but without sacrifices. And the result is that at the end of that year we are about 7 kilos lighter.

A clever idea that allows us, if we know how to do it well, to avoid drastic or prolonged diets.
Let’s see in detail what the Messegué one-day diet consists of.

Who is Marc Mességué?

The Mességué are a family of experts in slimming, phytotherapy and herbal medicine, and on these concepts they founded a small and long-lived empire. From slimming centers to herbal products to remise en forme programs , the tradition of the famous Maurice Mességué , director of the institute of the same name, has for years passed into the hands of his son Marc.

Marc is the one who recommends the one day diet trick.
Since diets are dreary, and losing weight often means a long period of giving up, why not limit your diet to just one day a week? In this way I get results but at the same time I eat normally 6 days a week.

One day diet: the One Day Light method

Here is a summary of what the One Day Light, Messegué’s trick to lose weight means: stay light once a week and eat 6 days normally to keep your metabolism high. For a total of 52 days of diet per year.
Obviously that day must be followed to the letter and you must avoid any mistakes in the rest of the week.
On the diet day you must not use salt and any seasoning: breakfast with wholemeal bread and jam, fruit snacks, lunch and dinner with grilled or boiled vegetables without added fats and proteins.

During the rest of the six days, very few rules must be followed.

  • Avoid making these combinations at the table: eggs and meat. Rice and meat. Pasta and meat.
  • Moderate the consumption of salt.
  • Drink two liters of water a day.
  • Use only raw oil as a condiment.

In this article, I show you a scheme for doing the Mességué one-day diet.
Click here and consider that for women it is necessary to use the value of the minimum weight of the food, for men the maximum (for example 150-200 gr: 150 for women, 200 for men).

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