Lose Weight With HIIT Yoga – Burn calories and shape yourself

Lose Weight With HIIT Yoga – Burn calories and shape yourself

Yoga has always divided everyone when it comes to weight loss: on the one hand there are those who say that it does not help you lose weight at all. On the other hand, there are those who have lost a lot of weight just by doing yoga.
Where is the truth? Well, a study would agree with those who argue that yoga makes you lose weight : according to the study, compared to those who do not do any type of physical activity, those who practice yoga have better health, lower cholesterol, better blood pressure and a lower body mass index. In short, he is better off in health and weighs less.

But today there is one more novelty, which makes it even easier to lose weight with yoga.
This is HIIT yoga, a fusion workout between yoga and high intensity workouts.

This type of training is suitable for everyone, those who have problems with jumping can do the exercises without jumping by moving their legs, but overall it is much easier and less risky than classic HIIT. It is also less stressful but many more calories are burned than with classic yoga. There are several versions.

The simpler one introduces high intensity exercises like jumping jacks into the session. Better options are based on a traditional yoga practice, however, choosing a more dynamic flow: therefore lateral plank, push ups, the various positions of the warrior done with greater speed.
I prefer the latter and will show you the best free videos to start weight loss with yoga.


Take a lesson every day!

Yoga hiit video in Italian

Click on the links to go to the free videos on youtube. You will only need a mat.
Lesson one . Video two . Lesson three . Video four . Lesson five . Video six . Lesson seven . Video 8. 

Hiit yoga video in English

Actually the videos are in English, but they are suitable for everyone because there is not much spoken.
Here is the yoga series by HIIT coach Heather Robertson: videos one , two , three , four .

Lose weight with hiit yoga:
easy workout scheme

Let’s see a yoga hiit workout card to do at home designed for those who are still beginners.

First exercise.
dog upside down

From the downward dog position (figure above), we raise the right leg and bring the knee towards the right elbow, then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement like the figure below 10 times per leg


Second exercise.
Let’s go back to the starting position and get into the plank position, jump forward with both legs and knees bent to land with the knees towards the elbows. We jump back to return to the starting plank position. Repeat 10 times


Third exercise.

Let us lie on our stomach, raise our arms and legs alternately (right arm and left leg, and vice versa) for 10 repetitions per side. 


Fourth exercise.
Now, still on our stomachs, we only lift our legs 20 times


Fifth exercise.
Let’s go back to the position of the dog upside down (first figure) and from the initial position, bending the knees forward and backwards, let’s put ourselves in the plank position, count to three and go back with the knees bent. Let’s do it 10 times


Sixth exercise.

From the plank position, we do jumps by opening and closing the legs as in the gif below for 15 times.


Now let’s take a thirty second break and repeat this same circuit of 6 exercises two more times. 

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